Happily Ever After

I've said it before...I love what I do. I've been able to do some amazing things, and help some truly deserving people create memories that last a lifetime. Today I want to share one of those moments with you.

Last year a very good friend of mine contacted me about planning a trip to Walt Disney World...we'll call him B. B and I had worked together at  MGM Studios...back when it was still MGM. We had some of the best times together at a point in my life where I have some of the fondest memories.

Back to the planning... every thing was going as it normally does. B picked a resort, selected his dining...nothing out of the normal.   Then one day I got an email from B's partner S. S informed me that he had plans to propose to B on their trip and B had NO idea. To say I was thrilled was an understatement. Over the next several weeks we put a plan in place.

We decided to go simple and I planned something that allowed them to create an amazing photo memory of the day but was unique to them...and allow S to propose in a place that wasn't in front of tons and tons of people.

I don't have pictures of the package I sent but I let B know there was a little fun surprise from me (so he wouldn't catch on).  Included in his Disney documents were 10 envelopes with instructions. They weren't to open up the cards until a specified day at Disney...the results are as follows...

Each Card listed a special place in the Magic Kingdom.  B and S were told to have their picture taken at each location.

Main Entrance

Main St. in front of the Castle

Jungle Cruise

Splash Mountain
(chickens didn't get a picture ON Splash Mountain) 

Haunted Mansion

Small World

Under the Sea


Space Mountain

 People Mover


Then it was finally time....the last card directed them to the Wishing Well.   I won't say too much more as that moment was private but here are the resulting pictures (He said YES!)

I couldn't be happier for these two and it's truly remarkable that I was involved in such an amazing moment in their lives.  You both deserve all the happiness in the world!!
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1 comment:

  1. How sweet! What a great surprise. S has some bright blue eyes!!! Congrats to the happy couple <3
