The Little Ones

For those of you who haven't heard the story about how Disneyland and eventually Walt Disney World came to be, it all started with Walt Disney sitting on a bench.  He was sitting on a bench in an amusement park while his kids were on the rides.  He thought to himself, wouldn't it be amazing if there was a place you could go where you could experience the rides (and everything else) WITH your kids! Today Disneyland, Walt Disney World and the Disney Cruise Line are vacation destinations for the WHOLE family!

That's why I get confused when people ask me WHY I'm bringing my daughter.   I hear all the time that she's too young, she won't remember, it will be too hard to maneuver around, etc.  I want to talk a little bit today about WHY I bring my daughter and how we do it.

First of all, be prepared for cuteness overload :)  I'm of course biased, but here is my beautiful little girl.

As a Disney Travel expert I try to get down to Disney often to keep up to date with everything. It makes my job easier and I like to stay informed.  

More important than that, there is a big reason why I'm a Disney Travel Expert. It's my passion for Disney. Many people don't understand this. I'm sure if you are a big Disney nut people often make the comment, you are going there AGAIN? I've had a love for all things Disney since I was a small child. I've been enamored with the history of the company and the genius of Walt Disney. I wasn't able to travel to Disney until I was 18 and I feel very lucky that I get to bring my little girl. I want to share with her the true magic that is Disney.

Kennedy's first trip to Disney was last November. She was just 5 months old and while I knew we'd all have a good time, I figured she really just be in for the ride.  There were 4 of us traveling to Disney and it was was pretty easy! She traveled in her travel system, which we gate checked.  We had a full diaper bag full of diapers, wipes, bibs, name it! We ordered from Garden Grocer and had diapers, formula, wipes and food delivered.   She slept in her carrier pretty much every where we went and we all took turns on the attractions. It was an amazing trip and she did really well.

You know what surprised me? She had fun. Kennedy is our first and I was still in the "Brand New Mom" stage so forgive me if you are laughing saying, of course she did! I'll never forget the moment that the Christmas Parade arrived and my little girl's face lite up.

That moment right there changed the whole trip. I realized just how much Disney had to offer to ALL of us! Kennedy wasn't just along for the ride, she was there to experience it with all of us!

This past May Kennedy and I had the opportunity to take a girls trip with my Mom. She was 11 months old and I couldn't wait for her to go to Disney. I knew she'd love EVERY minute of it!!  I was traveling alone and this time had upgraded our stroller to the City Mini.

Let's stop for a minute so I can profess my love for this stroller. With ONE exception, I love EVERY single thing about this stroller. It travels so well, folds up super easy and reclines back for naps.

This stroller made it super easy to get through security at the airport and on and off the bus at Disney!! 

The bottom line is, your little one is most likely ready for Disney! You just have to be prepared! Here is a list of must have's!

-A great stroller! Something easy to fold and compact works best! love them and us them every trip! They are a great source for everything you need!
-Diaper bag! I'm in search of something that will fit under the City Mini but I love my Vera Diaper bag and Weekender Bag.  They are both great for traveling!
-Plan a character meal or two...not EVERY meal! This is a great way for your little one to see and interact with the characters without waiting in line. Remember character meals can take approximately 1.5 hours.

-A good attitude...don't let those naysayers tell you your child is too little for Disney!
-We don't follow our normal nap schedule but if you do, plan accordingly!  Be at the parks early and use the afternoons for nap or pool time! Remember though you are at Disney and your little ones may be too excited to nap at their normal times or may be overtired.  We let Kennedy sleep in her stroller whenever she was tired and just played it by ear. 

-Bring Grandma and Grandpa (or Aunts and Uncles...or friend)!! This will allow everyone to get a chance to see all the attractions. You can all take turns waiting or seeing other attractions with your little one!

-Keep in mind when traveling with little ones, those under 3 are FREE at Disney!  Most airlines let children under 2 fly on your lap so you don't need to buy a seat.  Also, any ride or attraction that does not have a height requirement is OK for you little one to ride with you!!

Kennedy will be making her 3 and 4th Disney trip this year both to Walt Disney World and the Disney Cruise Line (which will be an entirely different post!).  We feel more prepared and excited than ever to share in the magic with our little girl.

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