Disney Dining Plan

There are two comments/questions I hear most often from potential clients.  The first is:

We don't want to go to EPCOT. We heard it's boring and not worth our time.

I'll address THAT comment in another post, today I want to talk about the other most popular comment/question I hear:

Is the Dining Plan Worth it?

It used to be very clear but as the dining plan price has increased over the years, the line is it a bit blurrier on what the value of the plan is.  I can say until I'm blue in the face that MY family loves it and uses but what does that mean for your family?

I think there are two things to think about when considering the dining plan; dollar value and convenience value.  Let's talk about the dollar value first. I'm not going to be speaking about the Quick Service or Deluxe plan today, just the Plus plan. The Quick Service is more of a break even plan...a way to pre-pay. The Deluxe plan is for special circumstances (i.e. you plan a lot of dinner shows or signature dining).

To help me with today's example, we have a very special guest!  

Please welcome...Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head
and their 3 kids!

Mrs. Potato Head has been wanting to take the kiddos to Disney for some time now.  When Mr. Potato Head found out how much the trip would cost....well he had to get out his angry eyes!

Not to worry Mr. Potato Head! I'm here to help you save some money!  Their family decided to travel this May when the weather is starting to warm up, the crowds aren't too crazy yet and they can get a great discount.   They've decided on their resort and tickets but now they are trying to decide if the meal plan is a good deal for them!

During May when the Potato Heads are traveling its ,off peak for the Disney Dining Plan. It will cost them $55.59 per adult and $17.16 per child (for peak season you will pay $56.94 per adult and $18.16 per child). For the 5 nights they will be at Disney, the Dining Plan will cost a total of $813.30.  Up front that sounds like a lot of money, and Mr. Potato Head said they think they can do it cheaper on their own.

I'd like to show him how much of a great deal this is, so let's break it down!!  For 5 nights this is what $813.30 will get them:

25 snack credits
25 counter service credits
25 table service credits
5 unlimited refillable mugs

There are several ways we can break this down. For instance, they will be getting 50 meals on this plan (a combo of counter and table service).  If we divide what they are paying by that alone, that's only $16.27 per meal! Plus they still have their snack credits and mugs!  While for most, that math is a little too simple, let's talk a little bit more about what they are getting.

Counter service meals at Disney are located all over the parks, resorts, Downtown Disney, Water Parks and more. These are quick style meals that range in both quality and quantity. You can get something as simple as a burger and fries or something more fun and exotic like a Shawarma Platter in Morocco at EPCOT. For each meal you'll get:
  • A Non-Alcoholic Drink
  • An Entree
  • A Dessert
The nice thing about these meals is you can SHARE! The portions are quite large and as long as adults share adult credits and kids share kids credits, you are fine! An average cost of a Counter Service meal is about $11-16 per adult and $6-$10 per child, you can see we are already close to that above average of $16.27 with just one meal!

For your table service credits, these include both character buffets and non buffets.  There are several signature restaurants that take (2) credits as well as Cinderella's Royal Table but most of the restaurants are just ONE! Let's use one of my favorite meals as an example...Ohana!!

For Ohana, Adult costs are $35.14 and kids are just $17.02 (off season).  This meal is Family Style, All You Care To Enjoy and will include the same as a counter service meal:

  • A Non-Alcoholic Drink
  • An Entree
  • A Dessert

    So far our family has spent a total of  $48 for lunch (average) and $121.34 for dinner (not including tips).  Plus they used some snack credits for breakfast with their mugs at the resort (roughly $15).  So for one day their total could have been $184.34...a savings of $22 with their dining plan!  Of course each day will vary and some days are even greater savings! There are several ways to stretch your credits out, this is just one example.

    I think my FAVORITE part about the dining plan is, even if I were to break even (never happened for us) I don't have to think about it! I can order what I like and not worry about the bill showing up.  A bill for $121.34 for dinner every night would probably send Mr. Potato Head to the Emergency Room!

    Is the plan for every family? No, it's not but I think it's easy to underestimate how much food can cost while at Disney and just how much energy you spend running around the parks.  The other added value to me with this plan is the time I get to spend with my family at Dinner each night, away from the hustle and bustle of the parks. For my family, it's more than just the amount of money I'm saving, but about the ease of the plan and how much better it makes our vacation!

    Plus Mr. Potato Head is happy!

  • And if Mrs. Potato Head is happy....EVERYONE is happy!

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    1. I also feel that the plan is a great deal. I have to pay for 4 adults and it still is the only way we will go. Last December we went without the meal plan and after paying out 3 meals I had surpassed what the plan would have cost us. Now paying for teenagers is not cheap, EVER.

      I have to say with the Table Service each day it was very easy for us to share the Counter Service Meals and make then spread to include both breakfast and lunch. The best part is we always have enough Counter Service to pack up a lunch to go at the airport. They always get through customs (no drinks, the resort has always let us get an extra treat instead. make sure to tell them you are on the way to the airport). Since you can eat at the airport it is not a carry-on. Extra treats can be place into your carry-on if needed. Thanks for the great post Amanda.

    2. What about when your kids turn 10 and suddenly, the cost of the plan is over $220 per day - if you don't plan to eat in a sit down restaurant every single day, it doesn't seem worth it to me...

    3. Becky the plan is quite an increase for kids over the age of 0 but look at it this way...a family of four with all kids over 9 would pay about $1,111. Divide that by the 40 meals you are getting and it's still only $27 a meal....not including snacks and the drink mug so it's much cheaper!! Eating at Disney is expensive no matter how you look at it.

      Diane I totally agree with you! We like to spread our credits out too because the portions can be so HUGE!!!

      Thank you both for sharing!

    4. I agree Amanda!! Now, we opted for the Deluxe plan....and never regretted a minute of it!! We booked our trip early enough so that when we got there, our trip was actually already paid off (including the Dining) so seeing that $180.00 or $210 (that was Cinderella's Castle) bill was NO SWEAT! Thanks for taking the time to explain the dining plans to us!

    5. Thanks Caitlyn! I loved working with you guys and planning out all your dining!! With the Deluxe Plan you have SO many options!

    6. We use it to go to every character dinner we can get to. It gives us the freedom to spoil ourselves with all the great characters, takes the pressure off waiting in line to get pictures with them in the parks and makes us very happy because dinner becomes an event not just a meal. Also my husband LOVES buffets so for us Characters + Buffets = a happy family!!

    7. I'm planning to bring my daughter to Disney who has special needs. Due to her multiple disabilities, she's not a big eater and only manages soft foods, she doesn't chew. Rachel is 17. Our party is 4 people including Rachel, if we purchase the dining plan would Disney make me purchase for 4 adults or can I get 3 plans and share with her? I hear portions are a good size.

    8. Unfortunately everyone in the room has to be on the same package regardless of medical conditions or age. Disney has no way to do this any other way would be to book a room only reservation for your daughter but an adult would have to be listed on that room as well. I wish there was a better solution!
