Trip of a Lifetime-Day 6

As much as I was looking forward to sleeping in and relaxing on this trip, my Mommy clock woke me up pretty early every morning....that and I was allergic to something in the room cause hysterical sneezing fits.  Today was our first day in port and we were so excited! I got up before everyone else, grabbed some coffee and sat on Deck 4 to make some phone calls back home and enjoy the view!

I could have sat here for hours! It was pretty warm out this morning. There was a lot of cloud cover but the longer I sat here, the sunnier it got and the clouds started to go away.

A few other ships were in Port too.

 After a while I went and got Eric up because the views were just amazing! I couldn't let him sleep anymore!

We grabbed some coffee while he made some phone calls..did I mention today was his BIRTHDAY!?!?

 Happy Birthday!!

And a video he made....

We then called Lauren and Patricks wave phone to find out where they were and when they wanted to head into Town.  We made only one excursion the entire trip and it was Friday so today we were just hanging out and exploring.

They were enjoying breakfast now the sun had really come out and you could see how beautiful everything was...oh that and Lauren is an amazing photographer so her pictures look a million times better!


As gorgeous as these pictures are, it's just not like being there! It was incredible! It was time to get off the ship and head into town.  The great thing about this location was you simply walked off the ship! Town was an easy 5 minute walk.

Town was..just so cute. I know that's cheesy but it made me think of Northern Exposure. When I think of a town in Alaska, this was what I pictured!

I attempted to get a few videos of the didn't go so well...

Obviously they were NOT in the mood to cooperate...hopefully later in the trip they will!

We had gotten some recommendations to go to the Skagway Brewing Company for lunch. The wait wasn't too long when we got there so we decided to stay.

Eric and I decided to sample the beer and ordered a beer flight to share.

Let's just say we weren't fans....

I think Lauren has a collection of these pictures of Pat!!  Lauren and Pat split some fish and chips while I got a burger.  I think we all agreed the fries were AMAZING!

After lunch we explored town a bit more. Most of the shops were just touristy stuff, but we enjoyed looking nonetheless.

 We got a few treats on our way out...Caramel Popcorn and Ice Cream! By now the temperature was in the 60's and it was gorgeous out!

After we got back we went down to the Promenade lounge for a putting contest. This was really for Eric as he's the only golfer in the group :)

Unfortunately  we didn't win but we had a lot of fun!! We explored the ship a bit after that. Here is the Buena Vista Theatre where there are often movies playing!

Captain Hook and Smee where in the lobby taking pictures.

Tonight's dinner was in  Animator's Palate and we had a little surprise!

I don't remember what we had for enjoy!

While not as impressive as the same restaurant on the Dream and Fantasy it is still a pretty cool effect when the restaurant changes colors!

While the guys were decided on dessert, we surprised them with a birthday cake we had ordered in advance! This was our 2nd trip we managed to take during June when both Eric and Patrick celebrate their birthdays.

After a long day it was time to head to bed!

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