Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party

It's been a while since I posted but today I have something special I want to share with you. Let me start at the  beginning. I'm incredibly lucky to have a very supportive husband.  Since I set out on this journey to be a Disney Travel planner more than 3 years ago (it actually started long before that), he has been my #1 fan (probably tied with my Mom).  

 Part of the job requires that I stay up to date on all things Disney related and what's better than actually visiting the park?    In our family we usually have 3 types of trips:

1) Family vacations where EVERYONE goes
2) Hubby and Wifey vacations...these are the ones where Kennedy stays home with Nana and Papa
3) Mommy only working trips (this is where the super supportive Husband and Mom come in!)

With my husbands school schedule getting more and more intense (he's becoming a Special Education teacher) it's becoming more difficult for us to take vacations together...couple that with baby #2 on the way and well we don't have any vacations together in the foreseeable future. When I found out Lauren was going to be in Disney this fall for some training I knew it was the perfect opportunity for a working trip. I'm lucky to have an amazing family so Kennedy is well taken care of (and more than likely spoiled) while I'm gone!

Back to my original topic, when I take these kind of working trips, it's often on a budget.  We don't get the dining plan and the trips are usually pretty short.  We try to make the most of our time there so we can catch up on all things new and that would interest YOU!  So when it came to the Christmas Party we had kind of tabled the idea.  I've been before but Lauren never had. It can be pricey (at over $60 a ticket) so it wasn't a front runner.

The more and more we talked about this holiday themed trip and how we NEVER get the chance for a girls trip, much less during the holiday season, we knew we had to plan on going.  So we opted to skip a few table service meals (that we had been to anyway) and book the party instead!  

I understand when families go on a budget and it's hard to decide what to keep and what to cut.  I wanted to share a bit about the Christmas party and why we feel it's so worth the money!

1) To say Lauren and I love the Christmas season....well that would the be understatement of the century. It runs a very close second, if not a tie, with our love of Disney. The Christmas party combines all of those things!  From a special Christmas parade (with Disney Characters) to fireworks, snow on Main St., cookies and hot cocoa and so much more it's the perfect combination of EVERYTHING we love!

2) Just like evening Extra Magic Hours at the Magic Kingdom, attending the Christmas party means being in the Magic Kingdom at night with less people. It's just kind of a magical time to walk around the parks, ride select attractions and enjoy our favorite place!

3)Extra Magic Kingdom time is NEVER a bad thing! With your party tickets you can get into the park starting at 4 p.m. even if you don't have a park hopper and didn't plan on being at the Magic Kingdom earlier that day. At 7 p.m. they'll start kicking everyone without a ticket out of the park.

Needless to say we are pretty excited about this addition to our itinerary. We did cut out two table service meals (Mama Melroses and Whispering Canyon) but we think we made a pretty good swap!

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