My passion

Often times when people ask me what I do and they hear my answer (Disney Travel Agent) they roll their eyes. I'm used to it by now and I realize that many people don't know what my job entails or how I got here.

It all started when I was about 8. As a child Disney wasn't a huge part of my life. My earliest memory involves a Beta machine and the movie Cinderella but that was a special treat. Our family vacations consisted of visiting our grandparents in the Adirondack mountains, not visiting the Mouse. I didn't have lots of Disney merchandised outfits or toys...heck visiting the Disney store at the mall was a big deal!

One day we were out shopping and stopped by Dollar Store. I have always had an obsession with books so I was browsing the very limited book selection. That's when I came across a biography on Walt Disney made for kids. I was instantly hooked! I read that book over and over. I couldn't get enough so I went to the library so I could read more about Walt. I was fascinated by his ideas and his company and more importantly, about Disneyland and Walt Disney World. As I got older I learned about a college internship where I could actually work at Walt Disney World! I couldn't believe the possibility.

As soon as I enrolled at the local community college I had to find out more about this special internship. They told me that before I could go I had to complete one semester of college. During my first semester I could apply but I couldn't leave until January. Not only was I accepted into the program that semester, but that semester held something else very special. My first trip to Walt Disney World.

My parents worked incredibly hard to afford that trip for us. I believe it was a high school graduation/birthday/Christmas gift that year. We couldn't afford to fly so we drove...straight from New York to Orlando. My Dad drove straight through while we slept. He made it in an unbelievably fast 19 hours.

It was an amazing trip but we had no idea what we were in for! We did very little planning. It was the week of Thanksgiving and the parks were super crowded! We didn't watch any fireworks and were gone from the park everyday by 7 p.m. We stayed off site and didn't get to eat any of the wonderful restaurants. I didn't care because I was finally at Walt Disney World!!

My first yellow Mickey Poncho!

I spent one semester working on Main St in the Magic Kingdom and as cheesy as it sounds, it was the most magical semester of my life. There are a lot of negative opinions out there about Disney as a company but I have to say I loved working for the Mouse. I was a part of the magic and was a part of so many guest experiences. I got to experience my first Fairytale wedding and even saw a live dress rehearsal for the Easter Parade. Even more exciting, I was filmed as part of the Easter Parade that year as I participate in the World's Longest Bunny Hop for the Guinness Book of World Records. It was an unforgettable experience.

The famous Main. St. USA costume and even more famous Dapper Dans (insert swoon here)

I came back and did another semester 2 years later at MGM (now Disney's Hollywood Studios). At home I was busy recruiting as many people as possible to go and experience the magic like I did. I was even a manager at the Disney store for 2 years.

I couldn't get enough! It was then I began as a travel counselor at AAA. In this position I did mostly TripTiks (do they even do those anymore?!?) and helped people pay their memberships. Every once in a while I got to help someone plan their Walt Disney World vacation. I now understood the importance of itineraries and dining reservation. Not only that but I had the inside scoop!! I loved helping people and more than that, I loved when they returned to tell me how magical and memorable their trip was. I knew this was my dream job!!

Disney has played a huge part in my's inspired me and it's something I am so passionate about.

Fortunately for me, I also married a man that loves Disney! We had a magical Disney wedding in March of 2010.

Is it all rainbows and puppies? No, I understand that people have their criticisms of Disney. To me, the good far out way the bad. Am I going to become rich doing what I do? Nope...but more importantly I truly love what I do. I make magic...I carry out Walt Disney's dream!

Disney once said "Disneyland is a work of love. We didn't go into Disneyland just with the idea of making money." That's what I get to do everyday!! My job isn't easy, but it's worth every second. I think my passion shows as I work with clients and it's something I hope to do for a very long time.

I believe this passion has to be the backbone of a great travel planner, because without passion, what is there?

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