Seven Dwarfs Mine Train Guest Review

Thanks to Stacey for sharing her humorous review of the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train!!

Here is my review of the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. Keep in mind that neither me nor my daughter enjoy coasters, but we wanted to at least try this one. Also note that my husband is the guy behind us (the two screaming ladies) and looks like he’s out for a Sunday drive. :) So, here’s my review….

Normally, I wouldn’t share such an unflattering photo of myself, but this one is just too funny not to share. While on our recent trip to Disney, we rode the new Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. I don’t particularly care for roller coasters, but I had watched a few point-of-view videos and didn’t think it looked too bad. That, combined with the fact that Disney advertises this ride as a “family friendly” roller coaster, helped me find the courage to want to try it at least once. So, it was with anticipation that I booked my FP+ 60 days before our trip so we could ride the mine train. In fact, I was so confident we would like it, I reserved three FP+ (on different days, of course).

We arrived on the evening of January 31, 2015, and stood in the FP line. While we waited, I heard screams but wasn’t too concerned. The screams did freak my daughter out a bit, though. I reassured Katie that some people just like to scream on rides for extra excitement. She looked like she didn’t quite believe me, but (at that time) I was relieved she didn’t back out or ask any more questions. The FP line moved very quickly, so we were boarding our mine train in no time. The trains only sit two across, so Katie sat with me and Jake sat behind us.

I boarded the train in anticipation of seeing cute dwarfs and sparkly jewels. The ride starts off fairly tame…..a few turns, but nothing too crazy. Then, all of a sudden, we approached a huge hill. It seemed to take forever to climb the hill. Just as I thought we would never reach the top, we zoomed down the hill and around several twists, turns and corners. I kept my eyes squeezed shut. I could hear Katie screaming in terror next to me. Being as I couldn’t see anything and was fearing for my own life, I couldn’t do much to comfort her. I tried to reach out and take her hand, but ended up grabbing her leg. Close enough. Just as my panic was reaching heart attack levels, we slowed down and entered the mine. I bravely opened my eyes. Ah ha! Here were the dwarfs and jewels!! I sighed with relief and tried to comfort Katie. Her eyes were as wide as saucers and she was as white as ghost. I’m pretty sure I looked the same. After a few seconds, I found my voice and started trying to point out the cute dwarfs and beautiful gemstones. We both agreed that this was our favorite part of the ride and hoped we were almost at the end.

Just as we started to relax, we noticed that we were leaving the mine…..and approaching another, bigger hill. It was all I could do not to curse. I looked at Katie. She looked at me with terror in her eyes. She sweetly asked me to hang on to her leg again. I tried my best to choke out some words of comfort, but only managed a whimper before we zoomed down the hill and around the next corner. I must have tried to squeeze her leg reassuringly at some point, because by the end of the ride Katie had to pry my fingers off of her knee. As we shakily climbed out of the mine car, Katie turned around and begged me not to make her go on that ride again. No problem, sweetie! Jake, on the other hand, thought it was fun. His primary complaint was that it didn’t last long enough!! It seemed like an eternity to me! Had it lasted any longer, I may have (mercifully) passed out. And, in case you’re wondering, we switched our remaining fast passes for rides more suited to the ride chickens we are…..Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin and the Haunted Mansion. :)

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