Finley Elizabeth turns 1

Well sweet baby of mine, whether I want to believe it or not, you are ONE. In a tradition I started with your big sister, and one I hope you both will enjoy in years to come, this letter is for you.

We always knew we wanted at least 2 children.  We had fears that we would have an easy time getting pregnant again, but those were easily  laid to rest. I shocked Daddy when he came home from work and Kennedy had on a Big Sister shirt!  We were over the moon!

You sure gave me a run for my money morning sickness was so horrible! You also craved Mexican a lot...not a good combination!

Just like your big sister, your first trip to Disney was while you were still in  my belly!

My pregnancy was FAIRLY uneventful and before I knew it, your birthday was here! We wanted to  make sure you had the best birthday ever and had long talks with the Dr. about making sure everything was perfect. We couldn't wait to see you!

You were perfect! 8lbs 14 oz and 21 inches long

You weren't quite ready to leave the hospital though so we stayed a few extra days. 

Soon you were home and adjusting to life with the rest of us. We all love you so much, especially your big sister!

You had some extra special visitors during that first month! Not only did lots of friends and family stop over BUT your Aunt Lauren and Uncle Patrick flew all the way across the country to meet you!
Cuddles with Aunt Lauren

And she took some amazing photos of your Dumbo themed nursery!

And THEN...your Aunt Erin came all the way from St. Louis to visit you!

And then something happened....all of a sudden you are about to turn one and I'm not sure where the last year went! You grew up so incredibly fast!!

We wanted to capture every moment of your'll find out soon that our crazy family LOVES to take pictures...a lot of them! We started bringing you once a month to have photos taken. They started innocently enough but at your 2 month photos something wore a Cinderella dress your big sister bought you...then at 3 months you were a Little Mermaid outfit your Grandma bought you...then a Rapunzel outfit a friend bought...then a Snow White outfit which was your Halloween costume (Can you see where this is going?)...

Every month brought a new princess! You didn't always enjoy the costume changes but we loved coming up with ideas every month!

And this funny thing happened. The more princess photos we took, the more we realized that you definitely weren't the typical girly/princess type.  You HATE wearing shoes (and clothes for that matter). You LOVE getting messy. You love rolling around and wrestling with sissy and Walter.  Princess was NOT your personality at all. Fun, wild, rambunctious, silly...that's definitely you!

When I was pregnant with you, you were fairly quite in my belly. You didn't jump around a lot, you didn't give me too many problems, and for the first two weeks of your slept. We were starting to be convinced that you were our quiet and calm one.

And guess what? That's the furthest thing from the truth! You are wild and crazy and non-stop!! You get into everything you can and are a little dare devil (like the time you figured out how to put the pillows on the floor so you could climb to the top of the couch). You appropriately earned the name Fin Monster (which big sister LOVES to tell people about). You are OUR Fin Monster.  You  move are never still (unless you are sleeping). Oh and you LOVE to will eat just about anything (but you love sweets). 

For your 1 year photos we knew that putting you in another princess dress just wasn't wasn't you and I wanted these photos to reflect your true personality. Still, I wanted a few nice photos (can you blame me). So for month 12 we started out with you..."Princess" Finley.

See...but that isn't you (well maybe the one with all the dresses on the ground). You are my sweet, baby girl, but princess you are not :) You are our Fin Monster...our crazy, wild, screeching, playful, fun loving...Fin Monster. It only seemed appropriate that we portray THAT in your one year pictures :) 

So to  my sweet Fin Monster, we love you more than we ever could have imagined. You have turned our lives topsy turvey and we love you for it. You keep us on our keep us laughing and we ALWAYS have fun.  Happy 1st Birthday.

And a video!

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