Kennedy Turns 4

It's that time again...I've put it off until the last minute (which face it, it's when my writing is the best). Right now I hear the sounds of a little girl too excited to sleep, because tomorrow she turns 4. Didn't she just turn 3? Or was it 2?

So this post my sweet girl, is for you.

This year was a big year for became a Big Sister. You haven't loved every minute of it but you sure do love that little girl.

You got your first big girl bed and I'm not sure if you were more excited about the bed or the Frozen mural on the wall. You adapted so you always do.

You've always loved princesses and that hasn't changed...although you think you are a REAL princess and seem to absorb their best qualities.

But it doesn't hurt to be a little girly now and again :)

And despite the fact that you have yet to see Star have a thing for Darth Vadar.

You had your first Big Girl trip to Disney and you surprise me remember EVERY detail! You constantly talk about the things we did, how much fun you had and you never forget to remind me how much you miss it.

You have such a personality. You are a true actress and are always ON...eager to  make people laugh and smile...whether you are being silly, dancing, singing...or anything else you can think of!

You also love to read and use your imagination. It's amazing to watch you play!

You are like a lot of 3 year know what you want and aren't afraid to share it with the world. You are constantly "directing" and sharing with us what you expect the outcome to be.  Keep that trait little girl and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise!
You directed this photo

So to my sweet, sassy, fun loving girl this year has been a ride. You keep me on my toes and I love ever minute of it (ok there may be some trying times, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.). You have a bigger personality than I ever thought possible and it's going to take you places I never dreamed of. So please for a few more silly, play, sing, dance and make me do the same. You are a dreamer, a thinker, an actress and so much more. I can't wait to see what you have in store for life...because it's going to be BIG!

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