Mommy and Me Trip Recap (Part 3)

When we left off we were all water logged and the kids were exhausted. I was determined to make our 2nd day a great, and more relaxing day! I surprised the girls with a dress up day for our time at Magic Kingdom.
Read Part 1 HERE
Read Part 2 HERE
On the bust ride to Magic Kingdom we met a nice family that were heading in the same direction as us...straight to Anna and Elsa! They weren't sure where they were going so they tagged along. They had a daughter about Kennedy's age and had left their almost 2 year old at home (HINT...FORESHADOWING).  We spent the morning meeting all of the girls' favorite characters!

As hard as I was trying to make this day better...Finley was NOT doing well waiting in line and it was very stressful. She didn't want to ride in the stroller, she didn't want to be held...she wanted to RUN. She LOVED meeting the characters but the times in between was hard for both of us.

She spent a lot of time like this...

Not that we didn't have some nice moments as well...

One of the highlights of my day was this AMAZING cast member at the Tiana meet and greet. This was HIGH on Kennedy's wish list so we were there early. Finley did NOT want to have anything to do with waiting line...or being held...and this amazing woman danced and entertained her almost the entire time. This is NOT in the scope of her job and no one should have to entertain my kids but I'm pretty sure she saw my exhaustion and was a blessing to step in.
Eventually...she fell asleep.  We made a potty stop, met the Fairy Godmother but eventually we couldn't avoid it was time for our lunch reservation at Be Our Guest and I was TERRIFIED they wouldn't let us in with the stroller. I understand if EVERYONE with a stroller was let in it would be chaos but we had been turned away from so many things that I just assumed. Well I was WRONG and we immediately went inside to have lunch!
Lunch was AMAZING and Kennedy and I were having such a relaxing, enjoyable time...unfortunately it was short lived and Finley soon woke up to join us. We decided it was time to head back to the resort for some downtime before the Christmas party. We stopped for one of our only group photos and to meet Mickey before leaving.
After a quiet break at the hotel, and a change of clothes, we hopped back on the bus for the Christmas party. We were PRAYING the rain would hold off! I had a big surprise up for Kennedy but first a few photos.
I had high hopes for the evening...but as usually they were dashed! Finley screamed and fussed for nearly the 30 minutes we waited in line for Kennedy's surprise. Luckily the family in line with me seemed to understand...not quite sure about the rest of the line!
However once it was our turn they were THRILLED to meet Jack and he spent quite a long time with them. Finley was excited about his tree and they bonded over Kennedy's Jack ears.  It was everything I hoped and she STILL talks about it!

You  might notice Finley is NOT wearing pants in that photo...she dumped and ENTIRE bottle of water on herself. So after purchasing NEW pants we were off! I'm happy to say the rest of the night was AMAZING. We parked the stroller for quite a while (which seemed to help) and had a BLAST.

A carousel ride with my girls!

Kennedy showing off her Jack Skellington Christmas Ears.

Sharing their first Churro!

Dumbo...we rode TWICE in a row and could have kept going!

 A spin on the tea cups!

We then made our way to Adventureland as Jasmine was next on Kennedy's list after Tiana.

Unfortunately it was now raining. I put the girls in the stroller and made our way back to Main St...where they promptly fell asleep.  This was NOT the first Christmas party for me that was rained out and I was pretty disappointed. We waited it out for a while and finally I gave up.

The girls and I arrived at the bus stop and for the first time, maybe ever...the bus arrived when we did and there was NO line. Now I had to figure out HOW to get two sleeping babies and a stroller on the bus alone.  THANK GOODNESS for two of the sweetest women I have ever met. One folded my stroller, one took one of the girls while I took the other. They helped us both on and off the bus. They were a GODSEND.

So...the million dollar question...would I do it again? NO! And yes :)  I learned a valuable (and obvious) lesson this kids are different!  Kennedy is an AWESOME traveler...and Finley is not. She hates sitting still...she hates waiting...and she just wants to do her own thing. Kennedy and I would have had a great, relaxing time if it were just us and I would take her along again in a heartbeat. Maybe when Finley is older, she and I can try it again.  We really did have a good time despite the stress and exhaustion. Kennedy refers to it often (in a good way) and has assured me she'll stay awake for the fireworks next time!

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