Journey into her Imagination

We just got back from an amazing trip to Walt Disney World! For this particular trip we opted to just take our oldest (which I'll talk about in another blog post).   Kennedy is almost 5 years old and has an incredible imagination...combined with a lot of energy and a spunky personality,  I hear about other families who travel to Disney and once is enough...I was thinking about why some kids love Disney, while others can take it or leave it. I believe, like with a lot of kids, Kennedy loves Disney so  much because she is literally living out her imagination and dreams!
She can be a race car driver...

A Mermaid...
An Airplane pilot...

A Cowboy...

A member of the Dark Side...

Or maybe a Jedi...

A Princess...

Again and again...

Brave enough to jump inside a Sharks Mouth...because Fish are Friends, not food

A deep Sea Diver...

An Archaeologist...

An actress on Stage

A fangirl...

Where colors literally come to life...

And at the end of it all....exhausted :)

To my sweet, adventure loving, imagination run wild, little girl...we'll enjoy every minute of this together. We'll continue to visit Walt Disney World as long as you want so that you can live out everything that goes on in your head (that we often don't understand)...because it truly is, your happy place.

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