Kennedy Turns 5

On this past Friday my big girl turned 5. Every year I seem to say I can't believe how big she grown up. I know in the grand scheme of things, 5 years is no big deal. That when she turns 16, or 21 or gets married, those are when I'll say, "Remember when she was just 5" but life is flying by so fast and she changes every day.

Kennedy Turns 2
Kennedy Turns 3
Kennedy Turns 4
So to my big girl, on your 5th birthday, here's to you!  You've changed so much this past year and done so well with change. We uprooted your whole life and brought you to a new state, a new home and a new school. You've done some pretty brave things, which honestly doesn't surprise anyone. You've been brave since the moment you were born (and even before that a little).

June Calendar Shot

We've had a lot going on lately at Living With The Magic Vacations! Recently we held an event that surpassed even my expectations and reminded me of WHY I do what I do and more importantly, why I love it so much! 

Disney really and truly offers something for everyone..including a bunch of grown women who spent the weekend at the most magical place on Earth! Check out my Instagram to see photos from our 1st Annual Girls Getaway Weekend (and stay tuned for next year's April 27-May 1st)

A few faces are missing but I love this group!