Kennedy Turns 5

On this past Friday my big girl turned 5. Every year I seem to say I can't believe how big she grown up. I know in the grand scheme of things, 5 years is no big deal. That when she turns 16, or 21 or gets married, those are when I'll say, "Remember when she was just 5" but life is flying by so fast and she changes every day.

Kennedy Turns 2
Kennedy Turns 3
Kennedy Turns 4
So to my big girl, on your 5th birthday, here's to you!  You've changed so much this past year and done so well with change. We uprooted your whole life and brought you to a new state, a new home and a new school. You've done some pretty brave things, which honestly doesn't surprise anyone. You've been brave since the moment you were born (and even before that a little).
You do great in school and loved your new teacher and friends this year.  At graduation when asked what you wanted to do when you grew up, it was to ride Roller Coasters at Walt Disney World.  
We really have instilled a love of Disney in your heart and I can't wait to explain to you later in life why that's so important.

You love to sing and dance and doesn't matter where we are, you'll put on a show. You also are a friend to everyone. You remind me so much of your Grammy in that way. She could talk to anyone and so do you.
You are an animal lover through and through. Your 5th birthday present from Nana was a Jungle Themed room complete with a giraffe sticking his head through your "window".  Zootopia was your favorite movie this year and you recently joined the Paw Patrol, much to our Disney loving dismay. You love visiting the  Zoo no matter where we are! 
Walter is still your best friend...even though we've had a new addition to our family, Elsa, who I'm sure you'll love just as much!

You are a little fish and we can't keep you from the water! You've always loved to swim and now that you are "grown up" that hasn't changed.
Did we mention what a great big sister you are? You love Finley and despite her stubbornness, she loves you too.
All in all 5 was a pretty great year for you.  I am loving the little person you are full of life and laughter, very determined, silly, outgoing and so much more. Don't EVERY lose your spirit little will take you very far in life!

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