Kennedy Turns 6

Even though this blog is no more, I have to keep with tradition and write Kennedy's annual birthday post! If you  missed the previous ones, click below!!
Kennedy Turns 2
Kennedy Turns 3
Kennedy Turns 4
Kennedy Turns 5
Each year these get harder and hard to write because I can't believe how fast time is going. They warn you of that when you have kids but you think, sure it does. It REALLY does. Today my baby turns 6. I swear we were just at the hospital with you!!  You have grown into such an amazing kid!!
I have so much to say and don't know where to start! First of all, you LOVE cupcakes. You aren't much of an eater but there are a few things you'd eat in a heartbeat and that's a cupcake. In fact today we are making purple cupcakes with chocolate frosting and some WILDLY colorful decorations (just like you!)

You developed a love for the Aquarium in Baltimore (even though you were afraid of most of it) and ask to go back on a weekly basis! 

Did I mention Ice cream? Well if anything tops cupcakes it's ice cream! Your current favorite is vanilla with (extra) peanut butter cups!

Let's talk fashion for a say you are creative would be an understatement.  You love  picking out your own clothes and, sorry to the teenage Kennedy, I let you wear whatever you want 99% of the time (yes in public!!)

 We tried out the beach for the first time this year...and let's just say you really wanted to love it but you weren't a fan!! Someday we'll take you to some nice soft, white sand and see what you think!!

You LOVE trying new things!!  We have tried so much this year and you put your ALL into it!! This year you tried swimming and T-ball, you rode a hourse (no lessons yet) and even sampled a few dance and cheer classes!!


Halloween is your favorite holiday and you LOVE to dress up in costume any chance you get!!

You LOVE a theme!! If there is somewhere we have to go, you go ALL out! Details are super important to you!

Did I mention your love of Disney?  You are getting to be a big girl and so there are lots of My Little Ponies and Paw Patrol BUT you heart belongs to Disney! You would drop everything to go to Walt Disney World (we even surprised you with a trip with Nana last year) and have been begging for a Disney Cruise vacation!!Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, sky and outdoor 

You have so many things you want to be when you grow up....a super hero!

 The President of the United States of America!
A wait a basketball wait a vetinerarian!!!


Have I mentioned you are the bravest and strongest kid I know!? This year we found out you needed glasses and you did so amazingly. You picked out a beautiful pair and rock them every day!

You also had to have your tonsils out.  You were getting sick a lot and the Dr. felt it was best to get those bad boys out of there! You rocked the surgery and recovery!

You are the best big sister and you and Fin Monster are the best of are also sisters so there is a fair shair of screaming that goes on around here!

We can't forget your first best and Walter still are best beds and you love hanging out with him! You clearly are his favorite too!

You are making such grown up decisions cutting your hair! You did it a bit spontaneously but I really think it suits you!!

What else is there to say? I love you with everything I have and while you have had your fair share of struggles this year, you are just so strong about everything.  You hang in there when things are the toughest and you always have a beautiful smile on your face.

You are strong and sweet and SO creative. You love writing stories and drawing photos and you even started reading!  You love EVERYONE and just want everyone to be nice and like you in return.  Your heart is so big and your dreams and wishes are too.  You want nothing but to simply be happy!

To my big girl Kennedy Sophia, happiest of birthdays!   I can't wait to see how you grow and become even more grown up this year (but please slow down a little)!!

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