Kennedy Sophia

Today my little girl turns 2! I can't believe how fast time is flying! Today's post is for my sweet Kennedy Sophia.

For as long as I remember, I wanted to be a Mom. I never could imagine a life without children.  It was hard at first. It took us a little while (and a little help) but before we knew it, you were on your way!  I feel like it was just yesterday that we found out we were having you!

And then it was your due date!

And then it wasn' sure took your sweet time!  The few days leading up to your birth I lived on Eggplant Parmesan because it supposedly induced labor for thousands of women!  The day before you were born your Daddy decided to do some  light gardening...and threw out his back! Luckily Nana was staying with us. It was June 23rd when I started having contractions during dinner. I had a feeling it would be soon but passe them off as Braxton Hicks. About 2:30 a.m. I went to get your Daddy who informed me he was going to bed....not yet Daddy. It's time!!

My labor was an extremely difficult and emotional time...I'll tell you when you're older.  Every single second was worth it to see your beautiful face.  I didn't get to hold you right away but we've sure made up for that.

You weren't an "easy" baby and you sure gave us a run for our money!  But you had the most amazing personality and could always make us laugh!

When you were 5 months old, we took you to Disney for the first time. Everyone said you were too young and wouldn't enjoy it. We knew otherwise the minute you saw your first parade.

When you were about 7 months old, we got you your best friend. You were inseparable from the start.

And then, right before your 1st birthday you gave us the scare of a lifetime. 4 stitches later and to this day you can barely see the scar.

Another whole year has gone by and you are the most amazing little girl.  You have an infectious laugh and are so silly! You love to make other's laugh.

You are loud and love to get everyone's attention! 

You absolutely LOVE to dance!

You are curious and adventurous.

You are so independent (sometimes to my dismay)

You and Walter and still the very best of friends..

You were big and brave even when Mommy wasn't sure she could be!

Your head full of curls suits your personality more than you know!

You love Doc McStuffins, Tangled and the Fab 5 (Mimmie and Minnie)

Happy Birthday my sweet, wild, crazy, funny girl!  We have loved getting to know you and can't imagine life without you! You are growing into an amazing little girl and we are so lucky to be a part of it!

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  1. Happy Birthday Kennedy!!! Your mommy is an amazing person (and so is your daddy). Love hearing about your adventures and will admit that I teared up reading your quick review of the past two years (so hard to believe).

  2. Happy Birthday Kennedy! Such a lovely tribute to your adorable daughter Amanda ♥

