Trip of a Lifetime-Day 1

Hello everyone!! It's finally time to start recapping our amazing trip to Alaska! Before we start, if you've missed it, here are some posts during the planning process:

First and foremost I'd like to remind everyone that the majority of the pictures coming in the next few weeks are taken by Lauren Kennedy from Lauren Kennedy Photography. Lauren is based in Seattle, and photographs families, babies and weddings! Be sure to check out all her sites:

Ok so let's get started! Today I'm going to share with you our first day in Seattle!! We left bright and early on a Saturday morning (6 a.m.).  The grandparents had picked up Kennedy the night before. She had a great weekend full of sun and swimming!

Seattle Day 1
If you don't know, my hubby is terrified to fly. We normally take direct flights to Florida so I was very nervous about not only a connecting flight but a rather long flight out west. He did great and before we knew it we had landed in Seattle! We were super excited that our first sight was:

Since Lauren and Patrick weren't back from their week in Hawaii until later that night, we had the whole day to explore on our own. We picked up our car (a sporty 2 door since we never get to drive something fun!) and just started driving! We had no plans except to spend the day together.  Before we knew it, Seattle loomed in front of us!

We decided to just drive around the city a bit, with no specific destination.

We finally decided we were starving and a burger. Since we didn't really know anything about the city we did a bit of googling and before we knew it we had arrived at UneedaBurger. It was a cute, hip little open air restaurant that served up some amazing burgers and onion rings!!

After we filled our tummies we decided to hit the zoo next. Imagine our surprise to find out that it was jut 5 minutes down the road. We had a great time but often found ourselves saying, Kennedy would love this!

I wish I could say the rest of the day was fill with excitement but to be honest at this point we were exhausted. I had been up since 2:30 a.m.  EST and Eric had never gone to bed in hopes of sleeping on our long flight to Seattle. After a failed attempt at ice cream, we ended up back at the airport around 5:30 p.m... and Lauren and Patrick's flight wasn't supposed to get in until 10!! We grabbed some coffee and tried to watch a movie...and tried to stay awake!! Finally they arrived and we were sound asleep before we knew it!

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