Food and Wine Festival 2012

Here's a look back at Food and Wine Festival 2012!

The day we visited Food and Wine Festival, we spent a bit of time in Future World with our then 16 month old.    After a bit of touring we decided we needed a snack...I know, we are wierdo's. We knew we had endless options awaiting us in World Showcase. In our defense we hadn't gotten our favorite snack the entire trip!

Doesn't it look amazing!?? It was so worth t!

It was time to if you think this report is going to be an in depth report with detailed food have come to the wrong place. For one, we were traveling with a baby...for two, it was HOT. I mean H-O-T...HOT!! We ended up a little dehydrated and lost our appetites. Plus I think we are pickier eaters than I'd like to believe. We love touring EPCOT and unfortunately didn't get the chance this trip...this is more like the Speed Around the World version!

We picked up a "passport" where you can get a stamp at each Food booth you go to. We started using it but once I realized we would not visit each stand I gave up.

Our first stop was Greece. I had the Spanakopita and hubby had a chicken dish. Apparently he didn't realize it would have Dill on it but it was pretty tasty!

Unfortunately I don't have pictures but we did manage to stop in Canada. This was my favorite stop along the way. Hubby had sausage with Corn Polenta and a Moosehead Beer while I had the mushroom filet. I really wanted the soup too but it was soooo hot!

Next stop was the Caribbean. We decided to head the OPPOSITE way around World Showcase so we back tracked a little. Here we enjoyed a Jerk Chicken drumstick and Empanada...I love empanadas!!

We continued on but I wanted to take a picture of the outdoor seating area at La Hacienda.

This was about Noon...check out those crowds!

If we've ever chatted you'll know this is my FAVORITE place to eat!

Believe it or not...I don't think we stopped again until food or anything!

We ALWAYS shop in China :)

Hubby always stops to see this Giraffe...someday it will make it home with us.

After China we took a little detour off the Food and Wine Festival path to hit up some Hand-Crafted Caramel Treats! Oh I'm so glad we did! This was our first stop here since the shop opened a few years ago.

We decided to purchase one of these...Caramel Apple Oatmeal Cookie.

It was HEAVEN!

I'm now realizing this isn't so much Food and Wine Festival with a little EPCOT thrown in, but the exact opposite lol. Sorry about that but stick with me!

Isn't Germany pretty?

Italy was up next and we had our eye on a Chocolate Canoli. Hubby loved it but I thought it was ok...growing up I had way better!

I wanted to take a peek at the new Wine Bar in Italy but the baby was sleeping and the line was out the door!

If you haven't tried Via Napoli must!

We ran into these lovely ladies on our way out. This is what I love about EPCOT! There is so much to do and see and EXPERIENCE! Unfortunately it was hard with just the two of us, a sleeping baby and the HEAT. I wish we could have spent more time here!!

We finally gave up for a while when we reached the American Pavillion. We were hot and deyhdrated and needed to sit. Here is my little pet peeve....we are EPCOT during Food and Wine Festival and I can't tell you how many people where here eating Hot Dogs!!  There is so much to sample and try...branch out a little :)

By the time we go to Japan the skies were so dark! We decided to high tail it out of there!

Of course we had time to stop and listen (or watch) Mo'Rockin!

Belle and the Beast were out in France. Hubby wanted to stop and show the Beast his new tattoo but the rain clouds were looming overhead.

We were on our way out and I felt bad that we barely tried anything at the Festival so we decided to get a few drinks back at the Caribbean Booth. These drinks were so amazing we went back and got seconds...which wasn't a good idea as we were probably a little dehydrated.

A Dragon Berry Colado and a Cherry Limeaid

Getting seconds was probably a mistake as we were enjoying them the skies opened up and we got stuck waiting out the rain for a little bit. Had it just been hubby and I we would have made a run for it, but we had our daughter who was getting over a double ear infection.

I hope my run around World Showcase gives you a bit of an overview of World Showcase and Food and Wine Festival. I know it was picture overload...and I have more if you want to see something specific.

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  1. I definitely want to go to this, probably in 2015. I assume my travel agent is going to plan a cruise for 2014...

  2. Your travel agent says you can't cruise in 2014 due to a new bundle of joy arriving :)
