Trip of a Lifetime-Day 7

We still had a full 3 days ahead of us, but Friday was a day we had all been looking forward to for a long time. Today was our day in Juneau!!  The day started pretty early because we had an excursion scheduled!  First up, breakfast!  We grabbed breakfast at Beach Blanket Buffet per the usual.

The view was gorgeous! This was another morning that the longer we sat outside, the more the clouds cleared and the mountains came out!

After a quick breakfast we headed off the ship. There is a shuttle bus that takes you into town which was pretty quick!  We had to meet our group at 8 a.m.  I'd like to take a minute to stop and take about excursions.  For this trip we decided, due to costs, to only book one excursion. We all agreed on what we wanted to do most and started to research.   We found that by booking directly with the tour company we would save a ton of money.  We felt comfortable doing this due to our location, but I will warn you to be cautious who you book with.  Also keep in mind that if you are NOT booked with a Disney excursion, the ship does NOT have to wait for you.  Hence the reason we booked an 8 a.m. pick up!

We were meeting our group at the Mount Roberts Tramway.

After we met up with our group it was off to find our bus. For this particular excursion we chose Juneau Tours. I spoke with someone many times beforehand and they had great customer service and their price was also great.   Depending on the weather we were told we'd be picked up and head to the Glacier first or Whale Watching.

 Luckily for us we headed straight to Mendenhall Glacier. Our bus ride out was fantastic!

Our great bus driver who had moved up to Alaska for the summer to drive the shuttle!!  The ride out to the Glacier wasn't too long and we were given a time to meet back at the bus and were on our own for exploring.

I've said it before...Lauren takes AMAZING photos but no matter what, this picture doesn't do it justice. It was one of the most spectacular things I've ever seen!

We LOVED watching the Eagles!

A video with an awesome view of the falls!

Soon it was time to head to the bus. We could have spent more time here but it was finally time to go Whale Watching!!   When we arrived at the boat many people headed downstairs (to keep warm) but being from NY we didn't mind the chill and we knew we'd get a great view by sitting upstairs.

The Whale Watching experience was AMAZING. We were out on the boat for quite a while and they really went out of their way for us to see the whales. The views were just gorgeous and while we weren't lucky enough to see any breaching, we saw tons of Whale tales!

We had to stay a certain distance from the whales so it was hard to get a close up shot even with Lauren's zoom lense.

We were pretty exhausted afterwards so we decided to skip more sightseeing and head back to the ship. By the time we docked the sun had come out and we had even more spectacular views then when we left.

It was time to say Goodbye to Juneau!

After some downtime, we got dressed for dinner and a show. We started at our favorite spot, Cadillac Lounge. I wish we got pictures but one of the most amazing moments was sitting in the lounge, listening to the music and watching the porpoises jump beside the boat in the wake. Unbelievable!

Dinner tonight was in Parrot Cay (my least favorite restaurant but the food was pretty good that night). Tonight was Pixar night and while we didn't make it downstairs to see the characters, the 3-D menus was pretty fun!

We were so hungry that we must have skipped photographing our entree's but here is dessert!

 Today was a pretty exciting day for another reason.  Lauren and I had signed up for a Martini tasting!  The tasting cost us $20 per person and we met up in Cove Cafe.  We were given several Martini's right off the bat and then we'd all taste them together as we were told what was in them.

The aftermath!  They were all good even though we definitely had our favorites. There were even leftovers from people who didn't show up!

It was time to call it a night. Saturday would be our last port day as our 7 night cruise was coming to a close. 

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