First Aid- Magic Kingdom

One place you hope you NEVER have to stop on your next trip to Walt Disney World is First Aid. Unfortunately while walking down Main St on our FIRST day of our vacation, I happened to get my first ever Bee Sting!!  Being that I'm pregnant and not sure if I was allergic, we headed straight for First Aid.

First Aid in the Magic Kingdom is located at the end of Main St. between Casey's Corner and Crystal Palace. You'll also find the restrooms and Baby Care Center.

We popped in and signed in. It was fairly quiet this early in the day. There was a family with a small child who appeared sick and very unhappy :( There was also a few members from a High School band waiting to drop something off.  Luckily we weren't an emergency but I was shocked at how long we had to wait to see a nurse.  I think we waited at least 20 minutes. She gave me something for the sting, as well as a band aid and sent us on our way!!

Unfortunately this won't be our only trip to First Aid this trip, although trip #2 was not as serious (Tylenol and a pep talk about drinking more water ;) )  There is a First Aid Location in all parks, Downtown Disney and the Water Parks.  If you need any over the counter medicine, bandages and any other quick remedies. If you are feeling ill, don't hesitate to stop by! First Aid is air conditioned (as are the Baby Care Centers.
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