Animal Kingdom- Part 3

Let's just dive right in this morning, shall we?

As we were finishing our drinks (Pina Colava's) the baby woke up and was ready to go. We make a a quick bathroom break...

...and came out to this awesome dance party!

It was a lot of fun watching everyone!

I've never seen the vultures this close. There were dozens "frozen" like this with their wings spread!

Many of you are aware of the changes being made to the Safari. I was quite disappointed. No longer is there an interesting story line. I miss the music and the interaction. As we neared the end of the ride I was curious to see what happened to the Poacher's gone :(

And little Red? Gone!

The Safari is still unique and a lot of fun but I hope they develop a new story line once the Zebra's are added.

After our Safari we took the train out to Conservation Station.

I was too scared to check out the Snake, but not Kennedy...

Ok maybe not...

Conservation Station is full of small animals like frogs and snakes!

If you haven't been out there, be sure to check it out! There is lots of interactive activities for the kids, characters to meet and live demonstrations. They also have camera's that look right into the Animal Barns. Plus you get a cool backstage glimpse on your way out there!

Back to Harambe!

It was getting late, and we wanted to take the baby swimming before dinner so it was time to go!

Animal Kingdom- Part 2

Good Morning!!  Today we are going to continue our photo tour Animal Kingdom. If you remember we left off here...

She had fallen asleep and we hadn't gotten anywhere yet!!  Since she's such a growing girl, I had underestimated how much formula she'd drink and we needed to make a pitstop at the Baby Care Center. I'm going to do a complete post on the Baby Care Center's later so we'll skip ahead for now. We thought we'd do a bit of shopping, grab fast passes for the Safari and wait for her to wake up.

Harambe can often look busy but the Safari only had a 20 minute wait! Be sure to walk all the way back and check it out!

It's important to have Dining Reservations! Tusker House had over an hour wait without one!

Tamu Tamu is a great quick service location that's not often busy!

I love the Art they sell in Harambe!

We grabbed some grapes and a few drinks...but don't these pretzels look yummy?

 Someone is still sleeping!

We decided to take a quick walk on the Pangani Forest Exploration Trail while the baby slept

 We decided to grab drink since it was now after noon (lol) and someone was still sleeping!

We happened across this guy who was carving some animals!

Next up...the baby finally wakes up and Kilimanjaro Safari!

Disney's Animal Kingdom- Part 1

Karibuni!!! That means WELCOME!! Today we are going to take a virtual of one of my family's favorite parks! Disney's Animal Kingdom.

One of the most common things that I hear when helping clients with their touring plans is, "We won't spend much time at Animal Kingdom...we have a Zoo at home".  While today's post will focus on a section of Animal Kingdom that is abundant with animals, Animal Kingdom is....nahtazu!!

They have so much more to offer!  There are exploration trails and ample opportunities for learning about conservation.  You can travel back in time, or be shrunk to the size of  bug.  We could easily spend 2-3 days of our trip here!

Typically I'm among the Earl Extra Magic Hours belief...we've been numerous and we get so much done in that hour, leaving the rest of our day to explore the park.  On my last trip however, I was traveling with my Mom and the baby, neither of whom were interested in getting up a the crack of dawn. Knowing that I wouldn't see everything anyway, I let them sleep in. We grabbed a quick bite to eat before grabbing a bus.

One of the great things about Animal Kingdom is there are trails to explore everywhere! As you make your way over to Discovery Island, don't miss all the great animals!!

While it's certainly not as grand as walking through the Train Station at Magic Kingdom and seeing the castle, I do love crossing the bridge to Discovery Island and seeing the Tree of Life!

At the base of the Tree of Life is the Tree of Life for Photopass photographers here! They take some great shots!

Also located at the base is some more opportunities to see animals. Normally we see Kangaroo's here but today it was just Flamingos and Vultures.

Uh oh....look who fell asleep! We just got here!

That's Part 1 for today!! Next up, Animal Kingdom's Baby Care Center, shopping and the village of Harambe!

EPCOT Continued

I hope you enjoyed my little photo tour of EPCOT's Flower and Garden Festival yesterday. There is SO much more...those picture were just from an hour of exploring. Imagine if you had the WHOLE day?

I want to share some more of my EPCOT day with you today. One thing I checked out while the baby was sleeping was the Test Track Area. I have special memories of this attraction so I really hope they don't disappoint when it reopens!

Not much to see, and no definite date yet!! This sign kind of made me laugh...we didn't stick around to see what kind of show they had put together but I'm guessing it was car related lol?

After that we went into MouseGears for a bit of shopping!

I love their selection of covers for IPhones, IPads, Tablets...and now Droids!! Too bad I'm giving up my Droid next month because I have been waiting for these!!

These made me giggle too...USB cords!!

I mentioned on Facebook that one of my favorite gifts was a few books for the baby.  I really love these little Souvenirs!!

This was one of the books...the other is for when she's much older. It had paper pages and a CD to go with it (Small World of course)

One of my favorite things about EPCOT is the splash areas. I can't wait to take Kennedy back and let her play. This one is located between Test Track and Mission Space.

 After we purchased our Top Secret Father's Day Gift it was time to head back to the hotel for swimming.  We walked through Canada and the UK on our way to the International Gateway Exit.

It was still early and were lucky enough to see one of the Segway Tours!

I debated stopping France for some pastries but decided to snap a few pictures instead :)

The Friendship Boats will take you to Disney's Boardwalk, Yach and Beach Club, Swan and Dolphin and finally to Disney's Hollywood Studios. It's a nice ride!

After we exited we came across the most beautiful garden! EPCOT had planted some trial breeds to see how they did.

As we walked back to the Beach Club people kept giggling at my stroller...goofy girl!!

EPCOT International Flower and Garden Festival

I'm inspired today by some EPCOT music I'm listening to on Live365.   I love EPCOT and I often fight hard to show other's what a wonderful (and NOT at all boring) place it can be...even the hubs some times! 

After Kennedy and I had breakfast we decided to head back to the Beach Club via EPCOT. I had a special gift for the Mr. in mind.  After picking up our passes at Will Call we immediately headed for the Art of Animation Store (not to be confused with the Art of Animation Resort) to see Eddie. You remember Eddie right?

Someday I'll get a good picture of him. His smile is contagious! Anyway, I decided for my hubby's birthday I would surprise him with an Eddie drawing. Even though this was a girls only trip I wanted to continue our tradition. Unfortunately Eddie didn't get in until 11 a.m. so the baby and I spent some time exploring Future World. Also unfortunately, she fell asleep! That kind of limited what I could do but I had fun taking lots of pictures of the amazing topiary!

We ended up back at the Art of Animation and got the chance to talk to Eddie. He was great as always and we are excited to see him in September. I decided to make the gift a Father's Day present instead of a birthday present. It turned out GREAT!!

A bit of photo overload so I'll end there next post will include some photos of the Test Track area plus some bits and peices from around EPCOT.


Good Morning and Happy Monday!! This restaurant review is one that I have really been looking forward to.

To be honest, hubby and I have never really done Character meals before. It's always just been the two of us so if we wanted to meet characters, we just do so in the parks, not for a whole meal. I was very excited about taking my little girl to one of these meals. She did great meeting Mickey and Pooh back in November when she was just 5 months old, and did great meeting the Easter Bunny so I thought she'd be the perfect age.

When I was contemplating what meal to do, I asked around for suggestions. My first though was to just stick to Cape May Cafe and not really leave the resort. But my little one is ALL over the place and a buffet didn't sound like a great idea. I didn't want to take a ton of time and head into a park. So after much consideration, I settled on Ohana at Disney's Polynesian.

To get there from the Beach Club we got up super early and were at the bus stop by 7 a.m. for our 8:05 a.m. reservation.

We had  a great bus driver and were the only ones on the bus!! He actually offered to drop me off right at the Polynesian but since I had planned so much time I told him to just drop us off at the Magic Kingdom.

 The park didn't open until 9 a.m. but Security was on hand for those early morning breakfast reservations!

We were headed to the Resort Monorail!

I had one sleepy baby on my hands...let's just say that we had Mommy/Daughter play time for about 4 hours in the middle of the night!

I love having an empty monorail!

Unfortunately when I stepped onto the monorail I leg got caught between the monorail itself and the platform.  OUCH!

A few pictures as we make our way over to the Polynesian.

ouch...getting worse...

Ticket and Transportation Center...we are almost there!

When we arrived at the Polynesian I let a Cast Member know about my fall. She took my name and the time of the incident to let a manager know.  Ultimately it was just a bad bruise but I wanted someone to know what happened.  It was not Disney's fault at all, I should have watched my step as it was slippery.

We checked in at the Polynesian and while we waited had our picture taken. This is the ONLY picture of me our entire trip.  The staff just loved Kennedy and of course she hammed it up! Since I figured this was our only picture together this trip (we didn't take advantage of Photopass at all!!)

 We also got a photo included of all the characters Kennedy met!

We were seated pretty quickly and the food arrived shortly after!

She was already interested in everything going on in the restaurant!

Ok yumminess!! Here is a skillet of eggs, bacon, sausage and potatoes. Behind that is a fruit tray.  They also brought out juice.  It was the same kind they serve at Boma...our favorite...and yes it's in the baby's bottle too!  After that was all served they came around with hot Mickey Waffles. I loved this meal not only for me but there was plenty for Kennedy!

First up was Lilo!

Stitch came and snuck up behind her...I think the concept was lost on Kennedy but it made for a great picture lol!

While we waited for Mickey and Pluto, the servers dropped off a Maraca for the parade...this was probably Kennedy's favorite part!

She loved to shake it!

The parade started! We opted to stay at our table but we got a great view!

Finally it was the big Man himself!

Kisses for Kennedy!

Here comes my only complaint/disappointment of the meal.  Pluto was completely disinterested in us.  This was the only picture I got and he walked away.

Even poor Kennedy was confused! Where was he going?

Overall it was a great meal and I would do it again in a heartbeat! Especially that early in the morning because we were served quickly but not rushed!

A few photos around the Polynesian before we headed over to EPCOT.

Back to EPCOT!

 Up next...EPCOT's Flower and Garden Festival and a bit more Mommy and Me time :)

The Wave

One thing I wanted to be sure I accomplished on this trip was to try at least one new restaurant.  Since we travel to Disney so often, we often fall into the trap of eating at the same restaurants.  I really wanted to book us at the Grand Floridian Cafe, but resisted that urge and booked us at the Wave at Disney's Contemporary Resort.

We got a later start that night due to a late start that morning!  We spent the better part of the day at Animal Kingdom and then swimming at the quiet pool. I was able to bump my reservation to a bit later.  Much like the Grand Floridian Cafe it seems the secret isn't out yet...

We arrived on time but my sweet baby girl had fallen asleep. I let the hostess know and she said it would be no problem accommodating the stroller so that she could continue to sleep. And sleep she did...right through dinner!

Our server's name was Jimmy and he was very informative! He let us know that The Wave was Disney's first organic restaurant. What did that mean? Everything is brought in from local farms and fisherman AND there are no deep fryers or microwaves in the kitchen! I had avoided this restaurant until now as I was afraid it would be bland and boring.

We both ordered a glass of wine while we checked out the menu.  We aren't seafood eaters so there wasn't really any appetizers that appealed to us BUT we were brought some amazing bread and butter with sea salt ( amazing!)

Since the menu is fresh and organic, it's always changing...therefore the menu you see online may not be the current menu. Mom had Oven-roasted Chicken with Florida Blueberry Bread Pudding and locally sourced Seasonal Vegetables.   We were surprised that the seasoned veggie was cauliflower kind of mashed up with a cheese sauce. My mom isn't a fan of Cauliflower but I thought it was great!

I ordered the Locally-sourced Thompson Farms Pork Tenderloin in a Charred Herb marinade with Bread Salad and Bourbon-grilled Florida Peaches. When I inquired as to what Bread Salad was they told me it was salad but with HUGE was good but not what I expected.  The Tenderloin however was AMAZING! Full of flavor and very moist! I also ordered Potato Gateau with Goat Cheese...since I'd order almost anything with Goat Cheese.

To say we were impressed is an understatement.  We were blown away by the food and ambiance.  This restaurant jumped up our must do list for our next vacation!!  We were debating ordering dessert as we were headed to the Magic Kingdom for a bit of shopping and to see the Castle.  Jimmy assured us the desserts were very small portions. Each dessert was actually a trio of desserts.  Mom and I chose one and decided to share.

We chose the Creamy Indulgence:

  • Vanilla Cheesecake with Florida Strawberries
  • White Chocolate Crème Brûlée with Raspberry Macaroon
  • Olive Oil-infused Chocolate Truffle Mousse with Salted Caramel Sauce
The Cheesecake was probably the biggest disappointment. It was very good, and creamy but didn't taste like vanilla.  The Olive Oil-infused truffle mouse was advertised as a cake so we were surprised when it wasn't....but it was AMAZING! It was very chocolaty and delicious. My favorite, by far was the White Chocolate  Crème Brûlée .  I'm a fan of Crème Brûlée anyway but this was to die for!!

In the end, we will no doubt be going back to this restaurant. The menu had something for everyone and I don't really have any negative things to report back. Definitely add The Wave to your next trip!