Disney Magic- Day 2

Good Morning!!  I'm sure you are all ready for me to actually get on the cruise so you can see the interesting pictures right?? Well I'm getting there today, I promise!

Saturday morning we got up fairly early (and sorry to our neighbors who heard the baby crying off and on all night!). Despite not enough sleep in the last 24 hours, we were hanging in there. We all went downstairs for breakfast...and it was great! They had an awesome spread for breakfast and we even enjoyed some Texas shaped waffles!! Not as good as Mickey shaped waffles but still...

After breakfast we still had a lot of time to kill. The shuttle wasn't arriving until 10 a.m.. The guys decided to make a stop at the drug store and return the rental car.  Their plan was to hop a taxi back to the hotel as Enterprise doesn't offer a shuttle, however they offered them a FREE ride back with a mini-tour of Galveston, lol! My dad was super pleased!!

Around 10 am. we went down to the lobby with all of our stuff. I wish I had taken a picture because when I say a lot of stuff...I mean A LOT!! There was another family waiting and we were certain we wouldn't all fit. Miraculously, we all fit (and our stuff) and we were soon on our way to the port!

We got there in about 15 minutes and a porter was waiting to load our stuff.  We had already placed our DCL luggage tags and before I knew it, our bags were on their way and so were we!

We were among the FIRST to walk through the doors and get in line for security. I made the mistake of telling my dad to take pictures of EVERYTHING as my hands were full with the baby.

Do not, I repeat, DO NOT take pictures of security...my Dad got yelled at immediately after taking these, lol.

We made it through security pretty fast and we got in line to check-in. I sent my parents on ahead because my Dad was going to try and upgrade his inside room.  We were checked in very quickly but all of a sudden my Mom was there. She said her Cast Member told her she needed to check in with us (untrue). We got our photos taken and quickly had our Keys to the World card in hand!

Unfortunately my Dad was another story...his Cast Member was VERY confused by a few things:

1) My dad booked a room with just his name on the reservation
2) My Mom was going to be staying with him and wanted a card to access his room
3) My Mom had the same card linked to her card that my dad had linked to his

I felt bad but my Dad was with her more than 20 minutes and she managed to mess up his whole account. He got it all corrected very quickly once on board. He did wait in line for an upgrade but Disney wanted $1,700 to upgrade to a Vernadah so they politely said No, Thanks and stuck with their inside cabin.

It was probably close to an hour before we were able to board, which isn't easy with a 16 month old who is overtired and wants to run everywhere. We also heard there was some technically difficulties but soon enough the Family of the Day was selected and we were on our way.

Remember you are given a Boarding Number when you arrive.  Ours was 8 but we were boarding with other Mousektrips Agents and one of them had a number 2! You are able to board with the lowest number in your party.

Before we boarded we got to see Minnie Mouse!! She was on her way to the ship too!

Time to Board!!

I think that's enough pictures for the day! Up next will be Day 2- Part 2!

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