Disney Magic- Day 5

Our 2nd port day was very exciting for us.  This was something I've always wanted to do. I've never been totally excited to visit Mexico but this was a bucket list item. Today we were going to visit the Mayan Ruins!!

While we were very excited about this day, I just have to add how disappointed we were in Disney. We had been so excited about Halloween for MONTHS and had planned our costumes very carefully.  When we got our navigator we were saddened to learn that they would be throwing the Halloween party while we were on our excursion.   The kids Halloween would party would be held at 4:30 and we wouldn't get back until 5:30. There were quite a few kids in our group too that were upset to miss the festivities!!

Back to our excursion though! The Mayan Ruins were approximately $75 per person.  We had instructions to meet in the Walt Disney Theatre at about Noon. Here are a few pictures from the morning.

We were afraid of rain as it was pretty overcast when we disembarked!

It's quite a walk!

We were soon boarding our bus. The trip was about an hour. Our tour guide was great! Very friendly, spoke English incredibly well and had a fun personality.  If you plan on doing an excursion like this, don't forget the bug spray! It was $8 in the gift shop on board!

Approaching our first ruin!

This is a tough picture to see, but there are lots of green specks on the tree...those are ANTS and each one was carrying a leaf down the tree...FIRE ANTS!

The ruins were spectacular! I expected them to be taller but honestly it was breathtaking!  It was amazing to hear the stories and to think about how OLD they are!!

Beware of the fire ants...they were EVERYWHERE!
The biggest ruin we visited. We climbed up a ways to get here. The pictures just don't do it justice!

The hubby and I!

My husband, Dad and I. We left the baby on the boat with my Mom.

View from the top!

Before we knew it, it was time to head back to the ship.  Some pictures of the scenery on our way back.

A small local cemetery  He told us this is a really happening place around Dia De Los Muertos...I would LOVE to be there for such an amazing celebration!

Pineapples for sale!

Army Guard Stand we passed

Even though we missed the big Halloween party, we still had plans to get dressed up after dinner and get some photos taken!

We had been keeping our costume's secret, so are you ready to know what we chose?

That's right! The Little Mermaid!  It's handy that my hubby's name is already Eric! Here are a few more:

One of my favorite pictures...if you look down below you'll see another family that is dressed up as the little mermaid too! They even had a King Triton!! One of our favorite Cast Members pointed them out to us and we all started waving like crazy! I wish we had gotten a group picture!!!  We did have several families ask to take our picture but we never got in one with them :(

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