Disney Magic-Day 4

Day 4 was our first port, Grand Cayman. We originally decided not to get off the ship since I wasn't comfortable leaving the baby in the nursery and taking her on the Tender and on the shuttle, into a strange town I've never been to didn't sound appealing either.

My parents headed to the Buena Vista Theater to get their tender tickets since they didn't have an excursion booked and wanted to head in fairly early.  We got up and had breakfast....and then couldn't figure out what to do! There weren't a lot of activities scheduled since it was a Port Day.  We decided to stop down at Guest Services and ask them about traveling into Grand Cayman with the baby. The assured us lots of people do it and it would be just fine.

 So we packed ourselves up and headed Down to Deck 1.  Getting into the tender was easy and soon enough we were on our way!

Once we docked, you simply headed up to the Disney Shuttle.  A cast member handed you 2 tickets each, one to board the shuttle INTO town and another to board the shuttle coming back.

The ride into town was short. We were surprised by...well how American everything looked.  The biggest difference was we were driving on the "wrong" side of the road, but it wasn't what I thought it would look like.

We got there before we knew it. Our plan was just to walk around town. Hubby wanted to get a watch if he found something good.

It wasn't long before we ran into my parents, who were shocked to see us, lol.   We walked around a bit more but didn't stay very long.  We found that all the stores were way to high end and expensive for us. It was nice to get off the boat for a while and the water was SOOOOO blue!!

 We found our shuttle back to the ship and took the quick 10  minute ride.

We decided to grab a bit to eat when we got back on the ship.  

Have I mentioned how much Kennedy loved our cups?

And the chocolate chip cookies?

After lunch they were doing a Chip In Contest in the lobby.  My hubby and Dad both played but neither won. It was a lot of fun though!

We then put the baby in the nursery and decided to play a bit of BINGO. We didn't win but boy was it fun! We played several times throughout the week and will definitely save money for our next cruise to play more!

Dinner that night was in Parrot Cay. If I haven't mentioned it already, our servers were AMAZING with her! Here is some pineapple that Andre brought for her.

And for dessert? Her very first Mickey Bar! All by herself!

I can't remember, but I think that night we put her in the nursery and went to a show. We called it a pretty early night, like most nights.  My Dad spent some time taking photos of the ship at night. It's just so pretty! I could honestly stay up all night just looking at it!

Up next....Costa Maya and the Mayan ruins!!

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