Overpackers Anonymous

I'll be honest..we are notorious over packers. I'm always afraid we'll forget something and I try to plan for all circumstances.

This trip to Alaska is even worse than usual. We have to not only prepare for different climates, but different occasions too.  Here is the schedule:

Saturday and Sunday: Seattle: The weather is supposed to be high 60's and sunny! We'll just be hanging out to so these days are pretty easy to pack for.  We'll be comfy for the 6 hour plane ride out west and just have some shorts and t'shirts.

Monday morning we head up to Vancouver. We are looking at nice weather and sunny skies! Another easy day! So far so good right?

For the cruise, since it's a 7 night sailing we have a lot to pack for! Here is what we focused on:

-3 dressy outfits (formal night, semi-formal night and one dinner at Palo). For hubby this means 2 pairs of dress pants, a few dress shirts and ties. For me I'l be bringing three dresses.
-4 business casual outfits for the remaining nights in the dining room
-Shoes (one pair for hubby and two for me)

Next up is our at Sea Days! Since we'll mostly be inside, this is tough. We need to be warm enough to go outside and enjoy the scenery. We each packed a few sweaters/sweatshirt and jeans (we are starting to run out of room!)

Now for our days in Port. The weather is supposed to be 50's and rainy/dreary.  We have sneakers and jeans packed for these days. We'll also each bring a good pair of sneakers and gloves.

Once we return back we'll need another transition outfit for a day in Vancouver or Seattle followed by our red eye back home.

I think this trip is especially hard because the clothes we are packing take up so much room!  Sweaters, jeans and sneakers take up much more room than tank tops and shorts!!

Here is  quick list of some other items going into our bags:
  • Bug Spray/Sunscreen
  • Toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, soap, etc.)
  • Makeup/Hair products
  • Socks/Underwear
  • Documents (cruise and travel)
  • Chargers
  • Cameras
  • Batteries
  • Memory Cards
  • Binoculars
  • Laptop 
  • Nook/Books

So far hubby is completely packed and his suitcase weighed in at 47 lbs! Normally we easily stay under the 50 lb requirement but we'll see what mine come in at tomorrow!  Now it's crunch time...what's missing on my list?

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Bottoms Up!

As of August 2015 Disney has modified their alcohol policy and no liquor may be brought on board. These mugs are still a great idea!

I just got something in mail that I ordered last minute and wanted to share with you all!  When it comes to Disney cruising we love the drink stations and that we can bring our own alcohol on board.  At the drink stations Disney will provide cups for you to use. Those cups are fine, but we really enjoy bringing our own. Not only does it allow us to get more at one time from the drink station (especially important depending on where your stateroom is) but it also allows us to easily mix our drinks in our room!

For this trip I wanted to order some special cups to commemorate this amazing trip.  I found a wonderful seller on Etsy that was AMAZING to work with!

I contacted MakinItSassy after perusing her shop. All her products looked great and the price was right too! I sent her a message and let her know I was looking for 4 cups and that I wanted them for our Disney Cruise. We talked about some different ideas and finally settled on one I loved!  The cups were just $10 each (including shipping) and when they arrived today I couldn't be happier!

If you are looking for custom tumblers for your next Disney Cruise be sure to check out her shop!

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Dining on the High Sea

No matter if we are talking about Walt Disney World or the Disney Cruise Line, food is one of  my favorite topics!  Just like the Dining Plans at Walt Disney World, learning how everything works with your meals on board a Disney Cruise can be confusing for first timer's. Today I hope to give you a little insight on how it all works!!

The top 2 questions I get asked about the cruise are:
  • How do I know where and when to eat?
  • What is included in the cost of my cruise?

How do I know where and when to eat?

First the when!  If you book early enough, you'll have two options for your meal time; First and Second Dining.

On the Disney Wonder and the Disney Magic, the Main Seating is at approximately 6 p.m.; the Second seating is at approximately 8 p.m.

On the Disney Dream and the Disney Fantasy,the Main Seating is at approximately 6 p.m.; the Second seating is at approximately 8 p.m.

Main dining does book quickly  so you may not have the option to choose it when you book your trip. No worries though!  You can always get wait listed for Main Dining as well as checking if you can switch once you get on board.

Personally I love second dining...and here's why:
  • It allows you more time to enjoy the various ports without rushing back for an early dinner!
  • Play and Dine aboard the Magic and the Wonder!  This is a great program for kids aged 3-12.  Basically while you (the parents) are served your appetizers, the kids get their meals.  Once they are done the counselors from the clubs come and pick up them up while you enjoy the rest of your dinner! Win/Win for everyone!
Now the where...how do you know WHERE you are going to eat? Once you arrive at the port and check-in you'll be given your Key to the World Card.

Here you'll find your dining time, dinner rotation and table number.  Your dining time and table number will stay the same every night.    See those three letters ERA?  That's how you know which restaurant you'll visit each night (Don't worry, Disney also leaves something in your stateroom that explains it too!). Our dinner rotation was:
  • Enchanted Garden
  • Royal Table
  • Animator's Palate

If you are on a cruise longer than 3 nights, you'll repeat the restaurants but rest assured the menu's will change! You'll get the restaurants "regular" menu once and then special menu's as well!

What is included in the cost of my cruise?
Included in the cost of your cruise is all your food! This includes:
  • Breakfast- Choose from buffet's or sit down restaurant
  • Lunch-Choose from buffet's or sit down restaurant
  • Dinner-Your rotational dinner or you may opt for a buffet instead
During the day you'll also be able to chose from several counter service restaurants as well as the regular options. Depending on the ship you are sailing, you will have different options. 

You've also probably heard about the unlimited Ice Cream (or your kids have). Well it's true!!  All the ice cream you care to enjoy!

Non-alcoholic beverages are included in the cost of your cruise IF you order them at a meal or if you use the self-service beverage station.

If you order non-alcoholic beverages from the bar you WILL be charged!!
Also included in the cost of your cruise is ROOM SERVICE!  The majority of the items on the menu are included but just be aware that a few items are not:
  • Snacks like pre-packaged candy, nuts and popcorn
  • Beer and Wine
  • Other beverages like bottled water and soda
Also remember to have some cash on hand to tip the Cast Member that delivers your food as that is NOT included in the gratuities you pay on board the ship.

If you are on a cruise that is visiting Castaway Cay, remember the same rules apply on the Island! Your food and non-alcoholic drinks are INCLUDED and alcohol is not.

So what's not included?
  • Any Alcohol
  • Beverages ordered at the bar (non-alcoholic)
  • Adult dining at Palo and Remy (includes brunch and dinner)

Don't forget that while on board a Disney Cruise ship you'll be responsible for gratuities. You have the option of pre-paying these, otherwise the minimum amounts will be charged to your stateroom at the end of the cruise.

Per Guest per cruise                           3-Night           4-Night            7-Night
Dining Room Server                            $12.00            $16.00             $28.00
Dining Room Asst. Server                   $9.00               $12.00            $21.00
Dining Room Head Server                   $3.00              $4.00               $7.00
Stateroom Host/Hostess                      $12.00            $16.00             $28.00
Dining Manager                                   Your Discretion
Room Service                                     Your Discretion
Palo                                                    Gratuity included
Vista Spa & Salon                               Your Discretion
Babysitting                                          Gratuity not expected
Port Adventures                                  Optional; not included in port adventure price

I hope that's given you a little insight into dining aboard a Disney Cruise ship! Remember, if you book your Disney Cruise vacation with me I'll be able to provide you one-on-one assistance into planning the perfect vacation!

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A Jolly Holiday!

I promised you all a long time ago some pictures from Lauren's visit to Disneyland...but I have something EVEN better!!  A photo montage!!  ENJOY!

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Brrrr...but Alaska is COLD!

The first comment I hear when I tell people we are heading to Alaska is....won't it be cold?  So today, let's talk a little about packing for a trip to the North West.  We are so used to heading to Florida or the Caribbean that I wasn't sure where to begin!  

The weather in Alaska in June can reach high's in the low 60's....it can also dip down in the 40's. As I'm typing this, the weather in Juneau is only 44 degrees. And not to mention that it will most likely also be damp and rainy at least a few days during the trip(if not more).  It's a hard trip to pack for because there are a lot of what if's.  Here is my packing list (for your enjoyment).

  • First thing on my list was a coat. I wanted to have a coat that was rainproof but that wasn't too light or too heavy. I want to be able to wear layers under it. Being from Upstate NY the colder temps don't bother as much as some people but I want to be comfortable. I decided on this cute little number from Eddie Bauer.
  • Along with the coat we are going to be sure to pack glove, scarves and hats. 
  • Jeans!  It's an odd thing to have to pack for a Disney Cruise but again we want to be comfortable and protect ourselves against the chill.
  • No cute tank tops for this trip! We'll be packing sweater, hoodies and T-shirt for the most part
  • Comfortable shoes. We have a few outdoor adventures planned (more on that soon) so good sneakers/hiking shoes are going to be a must!
  • Despite all the outdoor type activities we are doing we'll also need to pack for dinners. While not strictly enforced, Disney does have a dress code for dinner that we try and abide to as much as possible. That means not only a few cruise casual outfits (read business casual) but also a formal night, a semi-formal night and possible an outfit for Palo should we get a reservation...this includes a few pair of dressy shoes.
  • Swimsuits!! I know, it kind of goes against everything I've been saying but the pools will be heated and more importantly, so will the hot tubs!
I think for attire, that pretty much covers it.  Other items that we won't forget to pack include:
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Camera...or your best friend that happen to be an amazing photographer
  • Seasickness patches
  • Binoculars
  • Books/Magazines
  • Ipod
  • Laptop
Of course I've left off the list the common sense items like toiletries, underwear, money....but  I think this covers most of the important items!  This trip is unique to us in so many ways (weather, no baby coming along) but we are beyond excited for a week of rest, relaxation and amazing scenery!!

Up next I'll talk about what kind of expenses you can incur on an Alaskan Cruise, Disney's policy on Alcohol, staterooms, activities on board and much more!

Want to read more about our trip to Alaska?
Trip Announcement
Alaska Here We Come

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Alaska here we come!

Three weeks from today we will be on the road to Vancouver! I can't believe the cruise is so close already. We've been frantically throwing together the details of the cruise (if you remember we originally were scheduled for August).   Let's do a quick recap!

We'll be traveling with our favorite travel companions Lauren and Patrick. This is the 4th year in a row we've traveled somewhere with them and 3 of the 4 times have been at Disney!

We are super lucky that we have friends who not only love Disney as much as we do but are amazing travel companions! Lauren and Patrick moved out to Seattle a few years ago and we miss them a lot!  This trip was perfect as the Disney Wonder sets sail from their backyard!
Vancouver Canada from www.disneycruiseline.com

Alaska is a destination we've all had on our bucket list before our families grow anymore. This is a trip we have decided to leave Kennedy back home for and just have an adults only vacation. It's been a unique trip to plan as we are used to traveling to Florida!!

Here is our itinerary for the trip:

Day 1- Depart for Seattle. Lauren and Patrick are returning from another trip so we'll have the day to ourselves and are lucky enough to meet up with another Mousekeagent!

Day 2- Explore Seattle! I'm super excited about Pike Place Market and have a home cooked dinner by Patrick (who's making one of my favorite dishes....mushroom chicken)

Day 3- Leave bright and early for Vancouver!! It will take us about 3 hour and we'll have to park the car for the week ( http://www.vinciparkcanadaplace.ca/ ).  We've already completed online check-in and our Port Arrival time is Noon. We'll aim to be there before that so that we are ready to board as soon as possible!

Day 4- At Sea..these day are among our favorites! We are exited to relax, nap, eat, play bingo and many other ship activities! Tonight is also Formal night!

Day 5-Tracy Arm. We are SO excited for this day. I know the pictures just don't do it justice. This is another Sea Day not a port but it's not an area of the Northwest that all cruise ships explore.

Day 6-Skagway. We plan on doing a little exploring and possibly hiking in the Klondike Gold Rush National Park! http://www.nps.gov/klgo/planyourvisit/shorterdayhikes.htm

Day 7-Juneau. Today we are going Whale Watching. We are using a local company and I'll be writing another post soon about excursions.

Day 8-Ketchikan. We don't get in until after 11 a.m. and we have no specific plans except to explore a little.

Day 9- One more day at Sea before returning back to Vancouver. I like that we have one more "down" day before heading home.

Day 10- Return back to Vancouver. We are taking the red eye home that night so we'll have the whole day to explore!

Over the next few weeks I'll have some more specific posts about planning, packing and what to expect on an Alaskan cruise. 

Of course once we return home we'll not only have some amazing photos from Lauren Kennedy Photography but also hoping to have a few video blogs from Patrick and Eric (which will prove to be very interesting!)

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Setting sail...time to embark!

First time cruises often have a lot of questions about their upcoming vacation...and rightfully so! A Disney Cruise vacation is unlike any other vacation!   But let's start at the beginning shall we?

Prior to leaving for your Disney Cruise, you'll get a packet in the mail with your Disney Cruise Line Documents and luggage tags. You can read more about what's included in that packet here
Before you leave you'll also want to log on to www.disneycruiseline.com and complete the online check-in process. It's important to do this early as you are assigned a Port Arrival Time!  There will be a form for you to fill out and bring with you to the port.

This is also where you can book excursions, adult dining, spa treatments and the nursery.  If there is something you MUST do, be sure to book it in advance! Depending on your Castaway Club level, your date that you can book excursions will vary.

You must be paid in full to book excursions, adult dining, spa treatments and nursery time!
First Time Cruisers-75 days in advance
Silver Level (after your 1st cruise)-90 days
Gold Level (after 5 cruises)-105 days
Platinum (after 10 cruises)-120 days

Once you arrive at the port, a porter will take your luggage (luggage tags arrive in your documents). The next time you see it will be outside your stateroom later in the day. Rooms are typically ready after 1:30 p.m.!

Next you'll proceed through security and the metal detectors.  Disney allows a small carry on bag (has to fit through the scanners). Be sure to pack your swim suits, as well as anything you need for the day in your carry-on,  as everything on the ship will be ready to use as soon as you board!

Head up to the counter for the check-in process!

Be prepared to show your ID, have your picture taken, get your Key to the World Card as well as your boarding number.

 Disney will call out group numbers once it's time to board.

Once your boarding number is called, proceed through the entry to the ship (The Mickey Ears are only in Port Canaveral).  You'll have to swipe your Key to the World Card (which pops up a picture to ensure it's you!). It will also be time to take your group photo!

Once on board the ship, Disney Cast Members make that special announcement and welcome you aboard!

Then it's up to you what you do (depending on what time you've arrived).  Usually they'll usher you to lunch. Keep in mind the later into the lunch hour it is, the busier it gets!  That's why it's important to complete online check-in early and get an early port arrival time if you can! We like to get lunch done so we can explore the ship!

Once you have enjoyed your lunch, you are free to do whatever you'd like! You'll have until about 3:45/4:00 p.m. when Muster Drill is to relax and enjoy!

take this time to acquaint yourself with the various public spaces like the restaurants...


...spa (be sure to take a tour and enter the raffle!)

...and kids clubs! Everything will have an open house so feel free to explore.

Around 3:45 p.m., before you set sail, everyone will be required to participate in the Muster Drill. 

Please remember to show up on time, turn off those cell phones and listen to the instructions...this is extremely important information.

Also, remember to line up single file, with the tallest person in the back.

Once the Muster Drill is over, it's time for the Sail Away Party! This is a fun, high energy event to kick off your cruise! There will be lots of fun characters, music and more!!

This party is a ton of fun with singing, dancing and lots of celebrating! We are on vacation after all!!

Depending on which ship you are sailing, first seating for dinner is going to be shortly after the party.  If you have second seating, you'll be headed to a show first (open seating, first come, first serve!!).  

Don't forget to check your personal navigators for more information on daily activities! Many activities will happen after each evening dinner/show combo. Each night a new navigator will be left for the following day. Be sure to take a glimpse at it before going to bed.

I hope this helps you get familiar with what your first day aboard a Disney Cruise ship is like!

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Kennedy Update

Happy Saturday! I'm typing to you all from our lovely hospital room and thought I would just give everyone a quick update on Kennedy. You have all been so amazingly thoughtful with your emails and phone calls.

Kennedy is doing well. Today is our 8th day in the hospital, although they consider it day 7.  The surgery went very well and as far as her incision, it's healing quickly. She's even been sleeping on her tummy. 

 The Dr.'s are focusing on getting her fed now.  She still has a lot of swelling where her esophagus was attached to her stomach which means nothing can get down into her belly. She sure does miss her juice!!  All her feedings have been through her new G-Tube.  We have moved on to Pediasure and if we can get her to the right dosage, we might get to go home as early as Tuesday!

Otherwise she's doing well! She loves to talk walks around the hospital and ride in their fancy firetruck strollers.  We even got her to dance a little yesterday so she's getting back to feeling like herself!

Thank you again everyone for your thoughts and prayers!

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Guest Post From J.R. Day 4

(Animal Kingdom, Characters in Flight, Flying Fish)

We picked up some Mara for breakfast; nothing too ground breaking, and then got ready to head out to Animal Kingdom. At the park, we immediately headed over to Kilimanjaro Safari and picked up fast passes.

I recommend doing this, because it seemed everyone in the park thought that the wait would be minimal and to do this ride first. However, an hour later, the wait was listed as 50 minutes, but our fast passes helped us get through the line in less than 10. I’d suggest, after getting your fast passes for the Safari, you hit up Expedition Everest. It seems to have little to no wait first thing in the morning. We, however, just wandered the park to buy time. An hour to kill? It is easy to do.

 Especially with Hana, who again, passed out shortly after we got into the park. Luckily, after a quick nap, she woke up right as we wandered upon a meet-and-greet area with the gang from the Enchanted Woods. Get ready for some cuteness people!

 Once she saw him, she just lost it. The photographers were just melting and captured some pretty amazing photos, as did my husband.

 I think her favorite was Tigger, by far. The giggles that were coming from her were ridiculous!

Yes. In between giving him kisses, which he made kissy noises back, she slipped him some tongue. I am not sure where she learned that behavior, but Tigger didn’t seem to mind. Thankfully, we were told he had just come out of the “shower” before we met him. He had a clean nose.

After all that excitement, our hour was up, so we headed back over to Kilimanjaro Safari. She loved the ride, and we were able to see pretty close up as the animals were all up and moving around this morning. As we approached the drop off, a caravan ahead was having issues, so they had to bring a ladder over for us to climb out.

Kyle was so excited.

My mom, who has difficulty going downstairs, took it like a champ.

After we unloaded, we headed over to see the monkeys on the Pangani Trail. On our last trip, it wasn’t too busy and was a pleasure to walk through at a calm relaxing pace. Can’t say that this trip! Sadly, there wasn’t much activity either. I still recommend this trail to everyone. I also recommend the Maharajah Jungle Trek too! On most of our trips, we saw some pretty amazing things. Like the time the baby gorilla wanted to befriend a bunny, and that bunny had other ideas, and kept swatting at the monkey. It was so cute to see this little baby gorilla behaving just like a human toddler would.

After the uneventful trail exploration, we headed over to Dinoland to ride the Primevil-whirl, or as my husband calls it, the “Primevil-Hurl”.

My mom and I hopped on it. It reminded her of a park she visited as a child that had a similar ride the mousetrap. It was a good time.

After that, we headed over to Yak and Yeti. Not without taking a few photographs along the way. I love the little details in Animal  Kingdom.

This is my husband’s favorite restaurant, and every time we have eaten here, the food is top notch.

We would have taken pictures, but we were busy juggling a sleeping child. Our favorites are the lettuce cups for two, crispy mahi-mahi, and the shaoxing steak and shrimp. OH and we always, no matter how full, finish our meal with the fried wontons. YUM!

After lunch, we decided to head out of the park. The crowds were heavy much. We stopped at the Baby Care center before leaving; since Hana woke up from her nap and was due to eat. This was my favorite center by far. This was the only one that had individual feeding rooms, so you had privacy and no one going in and out of the room to distract.
Once out of the park, we decided to go to Downtown Disney, so with a little strategy, we hopped on a bus to Saratoga Springs. From there, we walked to Downtown Disney. It was a lovely walk. Just so pretty. I bet you wish we took pictures! If you have time, and are using the buses on your next trip, I recommend doing this.

We had previously purchased a Groupon for the Characters in Flight balloon ride. Kyle and I decided to ride it, while my mom did some souvenir shopping with Hana. It was a good thing, as I don’t think Hana would have tolerated the hour- long wait easily. I don’t believe the wait is usually that long, but because it was windy, they were only able to take up no more than ten people at a time.

It goes way up there!

 It was fun, but for me, just a one time thing.

After that, we hopped on a bus back home, got ready, and drove to dinner. Flying Fish! This place is my favorite place for desserts! We meet up with our good friend Krissy, who recently moved to SW Florida. It was nice to catch up over a fun meal.

Apparently even napkins taste good here. They brought us out a delicious amuse-bouche of onion soup, even after they knew of our intentions of just drinks and desserts. I love service like that! We each ordered a drink, and a dessert.
We had this lovely creation, Banana Napoleon, which was yummy. We also ordered the PB&J Crème Brule, which was okay. Not my favorite. And if I may recommend the best drink in the world, the Peanut Butter Freeze. It doesn’t sound like a good idea, but it is amazing. Even my husband, who hates Peanut Butter, loves it. Seriously, try it.

Our friend Krissy ordered this “Trio of Concession Sweets”. Isn’t it amazing? I have to explain what it is for those curious. On the left, is a popcorn mouse with caramel corn on top, the cherry-limeade Popsicle, pound cake fries, and a dark chocolate fudge burger. I can’t recall what the cheese was, but I believe the bun was also pound cake. It was pretty darn delicious

Guest Post from Donna

Today's Guest Post comes from Donna who just got back from sailing on the Fantasy!

Amanda!!!! We love the Fantasy. The ship was gorgeous. And frankly I couldn't tell there were 1000 additional people. The majority of the time if I was out and about I was the only one around. On the elevators, on the deck to and from my room, I never felt like we were overly crowded.

And honestly, I rarely felt the ship. I couldn't tell we were even moving, most of the time. 

I love our days at sea and there was more to do on the ship than I could possibly do. One day I chose to sit on our verandah and read for a while.  I was completely relaxed.

 The gym facilities were wonderful and I thoroughly enjoyed the Senses spa. St. Thomas was breathtaking and we want to move to San Juan. I was surprised at how much I loved San Juan.

Sarah Beth basically lived at Vibe.  She met great kids and she really thought Ro, her counselor from Canada was the greatest.  The M. family's 2 girls loved the Edge and the Oceaneer Club just as much. (the family we cruise with).

The food was of course, amazing. Every morning I had salmon and fresh pineapple and at lunch shrimp and sushi.  The sushi is so very delicious! Dinners were the best ever! Our servers were funny and warm and just perfect plus the food choices - I ate Sarah Beth's molten lava cake PLUS mine because it was a crime not to eat it, right?

I should be the poster mom for single parent cruising! But let me tell you, there were so many really elderly couples there, and people in wheelchairs. And these people felt just as magical as the children, as did I!
There is really no comparison. When we were leaving San Juan, Sarah Beth and I were on the verandah watching the people on the Royal Caribbean Independence. They were lined up listening to the pool party and DJ. Some of them were even dancing. I can only imagine the jealousy :)

The only thing I would change is that I would STILL be on the ship!! We're already discussing our next cruise and when we decide you'll be the first to know!  I tell everyone how easy you make our trips!

Thanks again for all your help in making our cruises such magical, memorable, and truly unforgettable times!

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Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party and Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party

It's official!   Party tickets for this Halloween and Christmas are on sale now!!

Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party
September 10, 13, 17, 20, 24, 27, 29
October 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 14, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 31
November 1

Pricing for Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party
Advance sale for September dates (excluding Sept. 29): $59 plus tax for ages 10 and up, $54 plus tax for children ages 3-9
Advance sale for September 29, October, and November dates: $62 plus tax for ages 10 and up, $57 plus tax for children ages 3-9
Advance sale tickets are not available for October 11, 18, 25, or 31
Same day sales for September dates (excluding September 29): Ages 10 and up $65.00 plus tax. Children ages 3-9 are $60.00 plus tax.
Same day sales for September 29 and October/November dates (excluding October 31): Ages 10 and up $67.00 plus tax. Children ages 3-9 are $62.00 plus tax.
Premium Night (October 31): Ages 10 and up $73.00 plus tax. Children ages 3-9 are $68.00 plus tax.

Military pricing for active and Retired U.S. Military (including members of the U.S. Coast Guard and active members of National Guard or Reservists) is available for September 10, 13, 17, 20, 24, and 27. Prices are $41.30 for ages 10 and up. Children ages 3-9 are $37.80 plus tax.

Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party
November 8, 11, 14, 15, 17, 21, and 22. 
December 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, and 20.

Pricing for the Christmas party
Advanced Sales: Ages 10 and up are $62.00 plus tax. Children ages 3-9 are $57.00 plus tax.
Advance Sale prices are not available for November 22, December 6, 13, 19, or 20.
Same day sales: ages 10 and up are $67.00. Children ages 3-9 are $62.00.
Premium Night (December 20): ages 10 and up $71.00. Children ages 3-9 are $66.00.

Military pricing for active and Retired U.S. Military (including members of the U.S. Coast Guard and active members of National Guard or Reservists) is available for November 8, 11, 14, 15, 17, and 21. Prices are $43.40 plus tax for ages 10 and up. Children ages 3-9 are $39.90.


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