Brrrr...but Alaska is COLD!

The first comment I hear when I tell people we are heading to Alaska is....won't it be cold?  So today, let's talk a little about packing for a trip to the North West.  We are so used to heading to Florida or the Caribbean that I wasn't sure where to begin!  

The weather in Alaska in June can reach high's in the low 60' can also dip down in the 40's. As I'm typing this, the weather in Juneau is only 44 degrees. And not to mention that it will most likely also be damp and rainy at least a few days during the trip(if not more).  It's a hard trip to pack for because there are a lot of what if's.  Here is my packing list (for your enjoyment).

  • First thing on my list was a coat. I wanted to have a coat that was rainproof but that wasn't too light or too heavy. I want to be able to wear layers under it. Being from Upstate NY the colder temps don't bother as much as some people but I want to be comfortable. I decided on this cute little number from Eddie Bauer.
  • Along with the coat we are going to be sure to pack glove, scarves and hats. 
  • Jeans!  It's an odd thing to have to pack for a Disney Cruise but again we want to be comfortable and protect ourselves against the chill.
  • No cute tank tops for this trip! We'll be packing sweater, hoodies and T-shirt for the most part
  • Comfortable shoes. We have a few outdoor adventures planned (more on that soon) so good sneakers/hiking shoes are going to be a must!
  • Despite all the outdoor type activities we are doing we'll also need to pack for dinners. While not strictly enforced, Disney does have a dress code for dinner that we try and abide to as much as possible. That means not only a few cruise casual outfits (read business casual) but also a formal night, a semi-formal night and possible an outfit for Palo should we get a reservation...this includes a few pair of dressy shoes.
  • Swimsuits!! I know, it kind of goes against everything I've been saying but the pools will be heated and more importantly, so will the hot tubs!
I think for attire, that pretty much covers it.  Other items that we won't forget to pack include:
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Camera...or your best friend that happen to be an amazing photographer
  • Seasickness patches
  • Binoculars
  • Books/Magazines
  • Ipod
  • Laptop
Of course I've left off the list the common sense items like toiletries, underwear, money....but  I think this covers most of the important items!  This trip is unique to us in so many ways (weather, no baby coming along) but we are beyond excited for a week of rest, relaxation and amazing scenery!!

Up next I'll talk about what kind of expenses you can incur on an Alaskan Cruise, Disney's policy on Alcohol, staterooms, activities on board and much more!

Want to read more about our trip to Alaska?
Trip Announcement
Alaska Here We Come

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