Kennedy Update

Happy Saturday! I'm typing to you all from our lovely hospital room and thought I would just give everyone a quick update on Kennedy. You have all been so amazingly thoughtful with your emails and phone calls.

Kennedy is doing well. Today is our 8th day in the hospital, although they consider it day 7.  The surgery went very well and as far as her incision, it's healing quickly. She's even been sleeping on her tummy. 

 The Dr.'s are focusing on getting her fed now.  She still has a lot of swelling where her esophagus was attached to her stomach which means nothing can get down into her belly. She sure does miss her juice!!  All her feedings have been through her new G-Tube.  We have moved on to Pediasure and if we can get her to the right dosage, we might get to go home as early as Tuesday!

Otherwise she's doing well! She loves to talk walks around the hospital and ride in their fancy firetruck strollers.  We even got her to dance a little yesterday so she's getting back to feeling like herself!

Thank you again everyone for your thoughts and prayers!

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  1. Your family continues to be in my prayers. Thanks for the update. So happy to hear that K is on the mend. Take care of yourself too, mama!

  2. Such a cutie! I hope she keeps progressing well and you get to bring her home soon.

  3. Sounds like she's on the med & I'm keeping you guys in my prayers.Try to get some sleep yourself, Amanda!

  4. Poor baby! I'm so glad she's alright. I have a few friends with J and G tubes. Tubies are the best! Wishing the best for you!
