True Life Adventure

It's easy to say, that out of Disney;s four parks, Magic Kingdoms is hands down the most popular and everyone's favorite. I think it goes without saying that holds true for me too. There is something about the magic and for me, the connection with Walt that is undeniable. Plus it was the first place I worked for the Walt Disney Company.
I wanted to share my favorite park outside of Magic Kingdom. Ever since I was a child I was in love with animals. If you asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have told you a zoologist. I read books by Jack Hannah and his experiences with animals. I would watch any special I could on television. It wasn't until I was older and realized anatomy would be a required class that I changed my career path.
One of my FAVORITE books growing up.

It should come to no surprise that Animal Kingdom is one of my favorite parks...and interestingly enough, a park that I often have to convince people to visit...because it's NAHTAZU (not a zoo...)!! It's a perfect day to share this too because not only is it Earth Day but the park opening on this day in 1998!
Walt Disney himself was always interested in animals as well and over the years created several documentaries as part of called True Life Adventures.  The fact that the current Disney company decided to carry on a little bit of Walt's Legacy and continue conservation efforts at Disney's Animal Kingdom, makes it even more special for me.

The thing I love most about Animal Kingdom's not a zoo! I love the way, similar to how I feel about World Showcase at EPCOT, that Disney takes something that is as every day and "ordinary" as a zoo and makes it come to life in a special way. They weave their storytelling magic and incorporate popular movies to make things even more interesting and magical.
Yes you can go on Safari and view animals, and yes you can even walk through select parts of the park and view animals like you would in a zoo but you can also view a stage show, inspired not only by the move the Lion King...but inspired by so many different cultures as represented in their costuming, dancing  and special acts.
You can ride Kali River Rapids to get a little relief from the heat of the park...but you can also get a glimpse at what deforestation looks like and how badly it rips apart the terrain.
You can check out a 3D movie for some laughs and giggles and walk out having a new respect for a spider that you normally would have killed with a shoe
Animal Kingdom offers so much more beyond viewing animals in a zoo. Their mission is a message of Conservation, told through stories and art in only a way Disney could. Plus coming this summer Disney is adding even more magic to the park with amazingly brilliant and colorful shows at the Tree of Live, night time safari's at Kilimanjaro Safari, dance parties and so much more!!
Be sure to stop by and find out what Susy's favorite park is at EarVenture Geeks Blog!


  1. Love your pictures! DeVine is always such a pleasant surprise to see when she pops up out of the foliage. Thanks for sharing and for joining in the hop!

  2. DeVine looks amazing, I can't wait to visit Animal Kingdom.

  3. I love seeing DiVine! She's always so graceful and beautiful!
