Guest Post from J.R.- Day 2 Part 2

After food, we decided to head over to Tomorrowland. On the journey, we ran into the famous talking trashcan, “PUSH”. This guy is hilarious! I will post more about him on Day 3. We decided the first ride to hit up here would be the peoplemover.

We first rode this on our last trip, as I was pregnant and couldn’t do too much. We aimed for the slower rides and ones we usually pass up. This one is now on our favorites list. Ignore the yawn though. I didn’t sleep much and found the ride relaxing and unwinding. Aren’t those the best ones?

We hit a few more rides and then decided it was time to make our way out of the park to our lunch reservation at the Grand Floridian Cafe. Not before stopping at the baby care center.

I wanted to try out the breastfeeding rooms during this trip and was disappointed with most of them. I don’t know if a mother of an infant designed these, but I doubt it.

In Magic Kingdom, it looked peaceful on the outside, but was jammed packed on the inside. I wish I had taken plenty of pictures of the layout in here when it was busy. Before we left for our trip, I looked online and I found lots of photos with it empty and serene.

As you enter, the first room you come to is the breastfeeding room. It was a large, dim room, with four rocking chairs, and a sliding door. It is right by the front door, so the chaos of people coming in and out is apparent. My daughter, who gets easily distracted, couldn’t stay focused during our feeding. Too much was going on. Mothers also brought in their toddlers, who were also running about in this room. Not to mention, kept sliding the door open and leaving it open. I eventually gave up and decided to manually pump. It was a good sign that it was time to leave the park.

Hana liked the boat over to the Grand Floridian Resort and promptly zonked out once we put her in the stroller. We love the lunch there. The service at the Grand Floridian Cafe is always wonderful and the food is perfect.

This happened to be the first place my husband and I ate our first meal as a married couple. Since then, we need to stop there every trip and get the Grand Floridian Burger, a surf and turf type creation. So good.

As for what my mom and I ate, only the best butternut squash soup known to mankind! If you love soup, especially the squash variety, get it! It wasn’t vegetarian, due to the bacon, so just a heads up if you expect it to be. Just so savory. The dessert sampler too….

 OH MY GOODNESS! It had on there something for everyone and everything was devoured! Everything except the solid chocolate Mickey. My Mom forbid us from eating him. No fair!

 So, after our food, we waddled over and hopped the monorail to go to the Polynesian.

They have some of my favorite gift shops.

After we were done exploring, we tried to figure out the best way to get back to the hotel. We decided to head to the Ticket and Transportation Center, hop a bus to Animal Kingdom, and then hop a bus to Animal Kingdom Lodge.

It was exhausting, but we got to our destination. I really wish Disney would turn the TTC into an overall hub of transport that includes resorts too.

Once back at Animal Kingdom Lodge, we ran into our old college friend Krissy, who we were planning on getting together for dinner later. We told her and her friends, who are both cast members, about our RFID card adventure. We learned if you have park tickets and take them up to concierge, they could attach them to your room card. No need to juggle all those cards!

After our quick meeting, followed by a quick nap, we went to explore the resort. Without a camera. *Shakes head in shame*

We heard the pool was heated, but it was so far too cold for our liking. We wandered over to the bongo area and met Sanna. He told us about the beautiful white bongo, which he was studying for a thesis, and educated us on his home in Botswana, what his name means, and more about the animals. It was a wonderful discussion. I recommend to anyone who visits the lodge to speak to the cast members posted around the animal viewing areas. They know so much!

Once the sun went down, we headed over to Mara to pick up dinner. I think the winner was the chicken flatbread. My husband stuck with roast chicken and African stew, which he enjoyed, and we ordered a cup of squash soup. Everything was good, but the soup. It was far too thick and way too sweet, and not in a yummy way. More like, added too much flour and sugar. On a happy note, we did get zebra domes. Those things are so delicious! Nothing like eating three of those before bed! Perfect way to end the day.

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