Kennedy Update

Good Morning! I've had a few requests for an update on Kennedy so I thought I'd take today to share.

It's been just about 3 months since Kennedy's initial surgery. Overall she's in good health and no longer using her feeding tube (since our trip to Alaska actually)!  She's just getting over a head cold which caused a bit of weight loss since she wasn't interested in eating.

At this point she should be pretty much back to normal, but unfortunately that hasn't been the case.  We went last month for a swallow study where they discovered part of her esophogus is narrowed, which is causing foods to get caught or build up in her esophagus. This means that certain foods don't stay down.  She enjoys lots of ice cream, pudding, Popsicles and smoothies. There are certain "crunchy" foods that she also enjoys like toast, teething cookies, Pirate Booty and goldfish.  Sporadically we try foods like eggs, macaroni and cheese and more but they don't always stay down.

Because of this lack of food Kennedy is now only in 10th percentile for weight.  We do our best to keep her full...lots of smoothies and Pediasure. Due to the surgery her stomach is also a tad smaller than before so it's a real struggle to get her to eat.

Next month we are headed in for hopefully the last procedure where they will dilate her esophagus allowing for more food to pass through. It's an in and out procedure but she will be under anesthesia.  Surprisingly  she is doing really well. Her sleep schedule is back to normal, she is full of energy and adventurous as ever!  She's been so amazing through all of this!

Thank you all again for your care and concern. We appreciate all the messages, thoughts and prayers! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

1 comment:

  1. Blessings to you all! Beautiful little lady with a wonderful mom! Still in our prayers :)
