Trip of a Lifetime- Day 5

I think it's safe to say that Day 3 of our cruise is what everyone was really looking forward too. Today is the day we would sail up Tracy Arm. We had all seen pictures and this seemed to be the Quintessential Alaska!

I was excited for another leisurely day at sea. We started with breakfast out on the back deck. The scenery was AMAZING!

We wouldn't be arriving in Tracy Arm until around noon so we had plenty of time to just have fun! Our morning consisted of Shuffleboard and BINGO!

Alas we didn't win yet again but as always we had a great time!!  It was finally time to head upstairs. We  bundled up (although some of us not enough...) and were ready to see the sights...I apologize for picture overload. It was just so amazing!

We found a great spot near the front of the boat, but not the very front. The weather was chilly but no rain (yet).

The views around the ship were GORGEOUS!

At this point I realized I was dumb in not putting on the proper shoes. It had started to rain so hubby and I grabbed some hot chocolate and chocolate chip cookies and went down to our room. After a quick change we came back up to find Lauren and Patrick at the front of the ship.

It was raining at this point and Lauren was FREEZING but determined to get some more shots of the glacier.

As we approached the glacier the icebergs got larger and larger.

And then, there it was. Lauren takes the most amazing photos, but you don't realize what it actually looks like until you are standing there.

At this point the Captain came over the loud speaker and informed us we wouldn't be able to get any closer. To the right the Icebergs were just too close for the ship to fit in between and to the left there was a family of seals.

We were downright cold at this point so we decided to split up. The boys wanted to eat and Lauren and I were ready to hit the hot tub.   On our way to change we ran into some friends :)

I will say that sitting in the hot tub, with the rain drizzling down while the ship just slowly spun in a circle (so everyone could enjoy the view) was one of my favorite moments from the trip. It was so relaxing and beautiful.

I have two short videos from Tracy Arm (well 3 but Lauren would kill me for posting #3)

We couldn't end Tracy Arm Day without a picture of Alaska Mickey!

That night we saw Ricky Kalmon, hypnotist. I think regardless of who "beileved" in it, we all had a great time. The show was really good!!

Another thing we were looking forward to was our meal at Palo. We were excited that it was on Tracy Arm Day for the spectacular views we had during dinner.

 Ready to get hungry?

A glimpse at the view out the window while Eric studies the menu.

We all really enjoyed this meal. The service was outstanding, the food delicious and the views amazing!!!

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