Trip of a Lifetime-Day 4

I feel like this trip report is going just as quickly as our trip did! Day 4 already!  This day was our first of 3 days at Sea.  One of the things I made sure I did was keep all our Navigators! At the end of this trip report one of the things I plan on doing is uploading for you all to see!

We were very excited about today because it was going to be a lot of rest and relaxation!  Another thing we were looking forward to was BINGO and it was happening twice today!

The first round of BINGO wasn't until 10:45 a.m. so we all got up and grabbed breakfast.  Before we met up Lauren and Patrick had a chance to check out the arcade (one of the only things on the ship you have to pay extra for!)

You probably will read a lot of things about BINGO online, whether or not it's worth it. For us we had a blast, despite not winning.  It was something fun to do and we didn't mind the cost. For most games, we split the cost between the 4 of us.  We didn't have great odds doing this but we played BINGO every day so it helped keep the cost down.

After BINGO we had a little time to kill before watching the Generations Game..this was one of the funniest things we saw all week.  The Princesses were appearing in the lobby so we went to take a look. 

It was time for the Generations Game!   Check out the video below if you want to see what I mean. This game show plotted the adults vs. the kids.  The kids were asked questions from the adults generation and the adults from the kids.  It was a ton of fun!

Since the next BINGO session wasn't till 4, I'm pretty sure we all took naps at this point. I haven't napped since I was pregnant with Kennedy so it was odd but so relaxing!  We lost again at BINGO but when we left we were so excited to see that the Captain had taken the ship down a narrow straight and we were super close to land! I think that was my favorite part about this cruise! We always seem to be able to see land of some sort.

Tonight was the Golden Mickey's and it was formal night so it was time to get ready. Unfortunately we didn't have our picture taken with Lauren's camera so no pictures of us dressed up.  Lauren did buy one of the photo's Disney took later in the week (more on that later).

The show was really cute and a lot of fun, but not our favorite of the week. Dinner still was a ways off so we decide to go watch The Fued...hubby is OBSESSED with Family Fued back at home. Not a lot of people showed up but we had a really great time.  I loved all these family friend events. Plus we got FREE drinks. They weren't terribly strong but they were free!

The night of the Golden Mickey's you'll find a special menu in the restaurants. We were lucky enough to be eating in Triton's tonight which I always prefer over Parrot Cay on formal nights.

According to Lauren we were pretty hungry by the time dinner rolled around and she only photographed appetizers and desserts! I think by the 3rd night we got the hang of waiting until she snapped a picture before eating.

As we were leaving dinner we came across Mickey doing meet and greets in the lobby 

One of our favorite things to do on the ship was to go to Cadillac Lounge and see Seth Gibson.  We were lucky enough to see him on the Magic last fall too! He's hubby's favorite.

Before I end today's post I'll share with you the video from today, including the Generations Game!

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  1. That's my daughter in the black tee with Ariel, and I'm the one with the scarf on taking the picture of her. This picture is amazing! Puts us right back on the Wonder. Thanks for posting!

  2. What a small world! Email me at amanda@mouseketrips and I'll send you the picture!!

  3. Another great update!!! Loving every single day, especially the video 'recap' of the day. Thanks for sharing these with us Amanda!
