Fall Trip Recap- Fun Stuff Part 3

Are you getting sick of all the pictures yet? I promise I have some information packed posts coming soon! For now....a bit more fun!

Today will be a bit of a mish-mosh...I'll explain :)

On Friday, it was just the three of us. It ended up being a very low key day as we couldn't ride any rides (or we'd have to go alone while someone waiting with the baby).  This trip was unique in that we didn't get to go on any rides at EPCOT.  There was a lot missed but we still had a bit of fun!!

We started out our day rather late. Our first stop? To see Eddie at the Art of Animation and buy our traditional drawing (you'll have to wait and see what we picked!!).  After spending some time catching up, we went to the Living Seas. Kennedy LOVES aquariums so we figured it would be perfect...I think it was sensory overload because all she wanted was to run around!!

We were really at EPCOT for the first day of Food and Wine Festival but we were starving and so was Kennedy.  Since she was sick on this trip she was being a bit of a picky eater so we had been doing a lot of Smoothies so she would at least get SOMETHING in her belly...she LOVES smoothies!

I'm going to save Food and Wine for another post but here are some fun pictures we took in World Showcase!

We love shopping in China...Hubby stops and pets this Giraffe EVERY time lol!

 Since it opened in 2012, we haven't had a chance to stop here...Karamell-Küche in Epcot's Germany pavilion.

Oh my goodness it smelled HEAVENLY!!

We couldn't resist this Caramel Apple Oatmeal Cookie...yes for a snack credit!

Definitely a must do on our list from now on!  After Germany we stopped to sneak a peak at the new Wine Bar in Italy but the line was out the door!

We did run into these lovely ladies while heading out. I love that all the countries have performers and shows...I could spend days here!

The weather started looking scary!

We decided it was just too hot...and with rain looming, it was time to go!  Oh but Hubby got momentarily distracted...

 He wanted to stop in France to show the Beast his new Tattoo but they were leaving (probably because of the rain).

The next morning we were again on our own so we got up bright and early for the opening of the Magic Kingdom! The Mayor himself showed up!

I love Main St. decorated for the fall!

 Since it was just the three of us we headed straight for Fantasyland....when who should we run into? The Mad Hatter and Alice!!

They even stopped to take a picture!

As they walked by us we overheard Alice telling the Mad Hatter a joke!

Alice: What is a Pirate's favorite Letter?
Alice: No silly....C! (haha get it...sea??)

I have one more fun day post and it will include our fun in Fantasyland!

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