Fall Trip Recap-Transportation

Morning folks! Seems that while we were in Disney, Fall arrived. It's a very gloomy day here! I'm going to try and get through some of the boring stuff first!!  Today I'm going to talk a bit about transportation.

Back in May, the baby and I used Magical Express when we arrived at Disney (read my review here). This was mainly so I didn't have to drag her car seat down to Florida (we usually rent a car). This time we would also NOT be renting  a car but seeing as though Magical Express took me TWO hours (from touch down to arrival), I was not looking forward to that with EIGHT people.

Our go to option for a car service in Orlando is ALWAYS QuickSilver Tours and Transportation.

This time was no different!  I booked a van for a one way trip to Walt Disney World. Upon arriving in Baggage Claim, our driver was waiting with a sign that had my name on it. He was incredibly easy to find, as well as extremely nice and personable. He assisted us with getting our bags (luckily we didn't have too many despite there being 8 of us!!) and within a few minutes we were outside loading up our bags. QuickSilver also provided me a car seat since I didn't bring one (we'd use Magical Express on our return to the airport).  Before long we were arriving at Pop Century!! Now I had to run in to the lobby pretty quickly as a Disney Cruise Line Bus had arrived behind us and I didn't want to get stuck, but my husband completed the transaction (don't forget to tip your driver!!!) and was inside within a few minutes. I honesty can't say enough good things about them. They are prompt, professional and make the trip so easy for us!!

During our trip
We aren't fans of the buses...there I said it.  It's a control thing I suppose as there isn't anything wrong with the buses. I like to be able to hop in my car and go. I like being able to eat at resorts and the Boardwalk without switching buses.

That being said, for the most part taking the buses went extremely well.    Leaving Pop Century there wasn't often too long of a line and if the line was long, there were more buses running.  A few notes:
  • This trip had more wheelchairs and ECV's then I've ever seen. I would say 90% of the buses we got on had to load a wheelchair.  While I don't mind at all waiting for this process, there was one night in particular where a small child ran around the queue until the bus arrived and then got in her chair to be loaded first. Let me be clear, it was obvious this little girl NEEDED her chair but at that moment she was feeling fine enough to RUN around. I feel it was irresponsible of her parents to use her chair so they could be loaded first. We saw her the previous night at the Magic Kingdom and she was in her chair and I'm guessing was having a worse night as she never got out.
  • Please do not save a spot for your 12 families members who are still getting breakfast. Buses run every 15-20 minute (sometimes earlier in the morning). We got pretty good at estimating the lines and figuring out which bus we'd get on. We'd take Kennedy out of her stroller and pack everything up, only to be bumped back in line.
  • Please allow 60-90 minutes travel time to your restaurants if you are leaving directly from the hotel. This is NOT always the case (for instance Beach Club to Chefs De France you do not need 90 minutes).  We were only late for one meal but it was because a bus ran very late in picking us up. We had left ourselves about 70 minutes and were 20 minutes late. Just be cautious.
  • When the bus driver asks those standing to move ALL the way back, please do so. Everyone  has had a long day and is tired and the sooner everyone follows directions, the sooner we'll get back to the resort!!
  • Every time we got on a bus that was packed, someone gave up their seat for me to sit with Kennedy. My group also gave up many seats to Moms with kids or older folks. Please be courteous and give up your seat as needed.  The bus ride is short and if you can stand for a few minutes, please do so.
  • Remember that at closing, most parks have a few shops that stay open later. There is NO rush to get to the buses.  At Magic Kingdom we stayed almost an hour late in hopes that some of the traffic had dispersed  :)

Would I recommend renting a car over the buses? Not necessarily. We visit Disney often, in addition to that I used to live there. We know the area very well and using a car is very easy for us.   The buses are just fine and sometimes renting a car would be an added stress.  Here are some things to think about:
  • Will you need to bring multiple car seats?
  • Do you have extra money in your budget for a car rental?
  • What else could you purchase with that money instead of renting a car?
  • Do you have a lot of reservations at Resort hotels where you will have to change buses?
  • Are you comfortable driving in a city you don't know?

For our departure we selected Disney's Magical Express!

We knew we'd be using airline check-in (see below) and that it would most likely be the best way to get back to the airport. Our flight was scheduled at 2:57 and our Magical Express Departure was at 11:55. Here was our morning:

  • 6:30 a.m. Got up with Kennedy
  • Tried to get her to sleep until 8 a.m. LOL
  • Packed our luggage and did a final check of the room
  • Called and pre-paid our luggage fee for the airline
  • 10:15 a.m. headed down to check our bags
  • 10:35 a.m. had the Concierge reprint our Magical Express letter as I was missing from it (They said I didn't have to go home!!!)
  • 10:50 a.m. went to EVERYTHING POP for breakfast
  • 11:45 a.m. went outside to wait for Magical Express
The process was pretty easy although there was no line to get in so once the bus arrived, it was kind of a mad dash.  We loaded pretty quickly and before I knew it we were at the airport. We ended up at our gate VERY early but if security was longer it would have been perfect. Plus the Bills game was on and since we are from Upstate NY everyone was watching (Even my hubby who is a die hard Jets fan!!).

I hope today's post was helpful!! I try and give you a realistic view of the workings of Disney's transportation system. I didn't include the Monorail in my review but we rarely waited long and only used it a few times.  We also didn't use any Boat transportation this time.  Overall we would use the bus system again (especially at Magic Kingdom!!!)

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