Getting ready

With less than a week to go my to-do list seems to get longer and longer!!  Today I want to talk a little about arrival day!

Before we get to that, let's start at the beginning!

75 Days prior to your Cruise
This is the point where you can begin online Check-In. In my opinion it's good to pay your balance a few days prior so that once 75 days hits you will be ready to go!!  A few things you can do once you are 75 days prior to your trip.

-Sign up children for things like the nursery
-Book excursions
-Book adult only meals like Palo and Remy
-Complete online check-in and print your paperwork (have flight and passport info handy!)

Remember this applies only to first time cruisers! If you have sailed before you have an advantage of booking anywhere from 90-120 days in advance!

While Disney's online system isn't the GREATEST (understatement of the century) you should be able to navigate it pretty easily.  Here's a few things we did already:

-Booked Palo dinner for the hubby and I and brunch for ourselves plus my parents
-Signed up Kenendy for the nursery and booked time for everyday. Remember on cruises that are full, nursery times will fill up!
-Booked an excursion (Mayan Ruins)

I have all our paperwork printed out. Here are somethings you don't want to forget:

-Online Check In for the Cruise
-Boarding passes for the flights (I'll print those Thursday)
-Confirmation for pre-cruise hotel stay
-ID...this includes Driver's Licenses, Passports and possibly birth certificates. We are lucky enough to live i a state that offers Enhanced Drivers Licenses and the baby will have her birth certificate
-Credit Cards

When you complete your online Check-in you'll be given a Port Arrival time.  Ours is 11:30 although we'll try and arrive a bit early although we won't be able to board the ship any earlier.  If you have any issues you need to talk to Guest Service about, are interested in upgrading or anything else, arrive early! I'd rather be checked in and then have to wait to board then be rushed!
Boarding area in Port Canaveral...we are sad that we won't be going through the ears this time!

Of course packing will be a whole other post as it's lengthier than this!  Keep in mind this is just an overview!   Cruising can be overwhelming, especially the first time! If you are thinking about cruising, contact me today!

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