30 Days of Disney - Packing

It's that time...our ONE week countdown! That means it's time to wrap up all the little details and get ready to go! Today I want to talk about packing!

People often ask what the weather will be like in December and how do you pack for it.  The first thing I tell them is, it depends where you are from :) Many people are surprised we bring swim suits with us because they think it won't be warm enough. 

The average temperature in early December is low 70's during the day and 50's at night.  While that might not be warm enough to swim...if it go to the mid-70's we would definitely be swimming during the mid-day. We may not put a toe in the pool  but we pack just in case!
Know the range of temps for this time of year it's imperative to pack in layers.  It can give fairly warm during the day but when you leave your resort in the morning it will be chilly! Here is what will be in our suitcases:
  • Jeans and Capri pants
  • Shorts
  • T-shirts
  • Sweatshirts
  • Sneakers
  • Sandals
We'll most likely leave each day with shorts and sweatshirts and if it gets warm, we'll shed the sweatshirts.  I've been checking the forecast and and it will be cooler toward the end of our vacation (in the 60's).  We'll be prepared for the varying temperatures and hope for the best!
So what else is important to pack? (FYI this is not one of those lengthy, detailed lists...those can be very overwhelming!!)
  • Clothes (see above...don't forget the underwear!)
  • Shoes (more than one pair and make sure they are NOT new!) and socks
  • Toiletries (Just go through what you use every day...deodorant, lotion, toothpaste, etc)
  • SUNSCREEN (even during the cooler months)
  • Band-aids in all sizes 
  • Batteries
  • Camera's and extra SD cards
  • Autograph book and pen
  • Sunglasses
  • Medicine
  • Disney Documents
  • Magic Bands
  • ID
Of course you can google ULTIMATE Disney packing lists and they'll list everything under the sun. There are things YOUR family  might need but I wanted to keep the list short and to the point.

A few more things to keep in mind before we wrap this up!

  • If you are using Magical Express Disney only sends one tag per person. If you want more you'll need to request them
  • Most airlines charge fees to check your bags. If you can combine suitcases you might save a little money!
  • For the kiddo's we often pack outfits in ziplock bags. Then each day we pull out their outfit...no arguing over what to wear! This time Kennedy will have lots of Princess dresses so it won't be too much of an issue.
What are your packing tips? What is the one thing you always forget...or the one thing you always pack but never use?

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