30 Days of Disney - We are leaving...on a jet plane!

Can you believe it...we leave TOMORROW!! I'm so excited but we have SO much to do today. I thought it might be fun to share what our last day before vacation looks like...or rather, our to-do and last minute packing list!
I don't know how families with more than 2 kids keep up with laundry..holy cow! I have a last minute load or two to wash before we leave so that everyone has enough underwear, bibs, favorite princess dress, etc.

No one wants to come home to a messy house so I want to clean up a few things before we go...like mopping, vacuuming, making beds and just general picking up. That when we get home we only have 1.28 million loads of laundry to do but the house will be clean!

Pack the Dog
Walter (Or Walter Woof Woof's as he's known around here) is heading to a neighbors house for the week. The slightest mention of the neighbor (Bob Bob and Shelby...Shelby is a dog, not the wife) and he goes NUTS!  I need to make sure his tub of food, dog dishes and leash are ready. He'll get picked up after we leave which is kind of nice....or rather totally awesome of our neighbor.

So I haven't shared that hubby lost his wallet last week...yes a week before we leave he has no current drivers license. We are NOT panicking though! TSA will allow him through with extra screening AND we are bringing an expired license with us so he has photo ID.  We are bringing our marriage license and his birth certificate as well.

Combine that with copies of the girls birth certificates, my drivers license, boarding passes, Disney Documents, Magic Bands and more....well that's a list of things that I will be CHECKING TWICE before we leave for the airport...an hour and a half away!

I think I've packed and repacked the girls 3 times now. Do you know what the hard part is about taking TWO girls in December?  The first is layers, layers, layers. It will be nice during the day (upper 60's/low 70's) BUT at night it will be chilly. They have everything from shorts (my littlest gets HOT) to pants and hoodies.   Now through in about a zillion princess dresses, pajamas, underwear...and yea, they have the biggest suitcase in the house!

Combine that with still having to finish packing me and the hubby! I feel like we are putting the entire house into a few suitcases!

Not to forget
Besides documents, clean underwear and god forbid...the princess dresses, there is a list of things I can't forget.
  • Regular and portable cell charger
  • Laptop (yup I'm working next week)
  • Dramamine for the plane
  • Magic Bands
  • Finley's Scout Puppy and Zipadeezip Slumber Sacks so she can sleep at night
Well with lots to do I better stop blogging and get to it! Thanks for following along with my 30 Days of Disney series! Be sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram for live updates while we are gone. Oh and stay tuned as there are some big changes coming to the blog!!

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