30 Days of Disney - Stroller Review

Ahhh the great stroller debate! Do you bring one, rent one or skip it all together? Today I'm going to share with you a little bit about our decision and what we are using!

Before I get into what stroller we bought, let's talk about your options!

1) Bring your own. This is the cheapest option, although depending on the age of your kids, maybe not the easiest. If you are flying you can gate check your stroller but what if your kids are old enough that they don't normally ride, but you want to take it a long just at Disney? This can be cumbersome to drag through the airport.

2) Rent one from Disney...the problem with this is that it's an added expense PLUS they are super uncomfortable. You also can only pick these up at the park entrance, which means lugging potentially sleepy kids from the bus back to your room sans stroller!

3) Rent one from another company. Again there is an added cost but you get a much nicer option and will have it the WHOLE time, not just inside the parks.

We went back and forth on this one. When we were going to drive it was a no brainer but once we decided to fly, we knew we had options. Ultimately we knew we had to have a way to restrain them in the airport AND we could save money by bringing our own....that kind of worked :)  We bought a used stroller that I absolutely HATED so we finally bit the bullet and bought the stroller I really wanted!

Introducing the City Mini Double! We have this one in a single and just love it. Many of the local rental companies in Orlando offer this model! Let's do quick review of everything I love about this stroller!

It's small! This the is the stroller full compacted. Which is great for when you are riding the bus!

When it's closed it has this handy latch so it doesn't bounce back open!

When it's open it's not terribly wide, which I love, but both girls fit comfortably.

I also love that each child's shade can be pulled down individually, as well as each seat reclines on it's own. That way if one is napping I can cover her up. Our previous stroller had one big shade.

My favorite part about the City Mini...the way they close! You just pull up on these handles and VOILA! It just folds in half!

There isn't a ton of space but it has a good amount of storage under there...especially compared to the single stroller!

For the cost of renting vs. the cost of buying this, it was a no brainer. Plus we needed a double since having our 2nd daughter  anyway, so it's WIN WIN! We got a great new stroller AND in time to bring it to Disney with us!
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