30 Days of Disney - Traveling with Grandparents

We are lucky that this isn't the first time that my parents have traveled to the World with us.  Albeit my father took a little more of a nudge than my Mom, they both enjoy going....but in different ways. Today let's talk about multi-generational trips!

Let's say you are in a position like we are...the grandparents are coming along and either one or both of them are not huge Disney nuts. They are coming because they want to experience something special with the kids, help out or maybe even just get a way for a bit (even if it is Disney). Let's talk about some things you can do to make the trip enjoyable for everyone!

1) Hire a travel planner to take care of everything...haha no seriously!  Whether you hire a professional or are planning it yourself, make ONE person in charge of everything.  You can manage multiple reservations from the same My Disney Experience account. It simplifies things and for those that don't go often this can be far less stressful!

2)Even though I said you should have one person in charge, that doesn't mean everyone shouldn't have an opinion! Let the grandparents/aunts/uncle/etc know what the plans are. Ask them their opinion on restaurants and attractions. This way they don't need to feel herded like cattle!  They might not want to know every second of every day (my Dad!) but they want a general idea of what's going on.

3) The Grandparents are there to have fun too...despite their varying degrees of love for Disney!  Don't rely on them too much as a baby sitting service BUT you might find that they'd love a little one on one time with the kids to experience their own Disney magic!

4) Depending on the age of your parents, be sure to have some down time planned. Whether it's heading back to the resort, checking out a nearby resort, heading to Downtown Disney...whatever! Just get out of the parks for a while and let them relax. Some grandparents will go, go, go all day so it just depends on the age of the people you are traveling with.

5) Photos! Take as many a you can! It's often easy to get wrapped up in the  moment and forget to snap that shot but you (and your kids) will want photos to remember this experience!  Disney's photopass photographers are located all over the parks to assist AND for just $169 you can have ALL the photos you've had taken (including some ride videos) with Disney's Memory maker.

I'd love to hear your tips for traveling with Grandparents! We can't wait for our multi-generational trip and we'll be sure to share when get home!

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