30 Days of Disney - Dining

One of my favorite things about planning not only my own trip, but my client's trip is DINING! Some think it's crazy that you need to plan dining so far in advance or that they couldn't possibly know what they'd like to eat that far in advance...but I think it's fun! 

 The first step before delving into Dining is to come up with an itinerary. You need to know where you'll be before you can make reservations. I'll be posting more later about our itinerary and our decision NOT to park hop so for now I'll just share our dining decisions!

There are 3 basic dining plans to choose from. Each has their pro's and con's and dining plans are not always for everyone. There are a few big reasons why the dining plan is right for my family.

1) Not worry about a budget. This is big for first time visitors. Sure you can pour over menu's but you don't know how much you'll eat or what exactly you'll eat so budgeting can be tricky.  Having a dining plan means it's all taken care!

2) Stress free...goes with #1 hand in hand! We can order what we want and not worry about a thing. Everything is taken care of!

Our family ALWAYS purchase the plus dining plan. We love table service meals and the plan saves us a lot of money (often 20-30%). For  several reasons we opted for the Quick Service Dining Plan. Here are the differences:

Quick Service PlanPlus Dining Plan
Counter Service Credits,
Per night
Table Service Credits, Per night01
Snacks per night11
Unlimited Refillable Mugyesyes
Basically both plans give you 2 meals and 1 snack PER NIGHT of your vacation. The difference is in the type of meal. It will be an adjustment for us to now have those table service meals but there are some pro's to the Counter Service Plan.
1)More flexibility...we are only scheduling ONE table service meal. That means if we aren't hungry, or want to go on a ride, we can!
2)TIME...we have a 3 year old and a 6 month old...they are really good when we go to restaurants BUT they are still 3 and 6 months so they don't always have the patience to sit down for 60-90 minutes to eat.
Just because we have the Quick Service Dining plan doesn't mean we don't have a plan! Here's a list, in no particular order, of some of favorite locations!

Magic Kingdom
Be Our Guest
Pecos Bills
Cosmic Rays

Sunshine Seasons
Katsura Grill
Boulangerie Patisserie
La Cantina de San Angel

Hollywood Studios
Pizza Planet
Starring Rolls

Animal Kingdom
Yak and Yeti
Flame Tree BBQ

Plus a few resort locations and LOTS of great snack options!!

My number ONE tip when it comes to dining is...everyone has different tastes. When it comes to Disney you'll read a million different opinions.  If the menu looks good and you want to try it...TRY IT! 

Up next...Day 2!
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