30 Days of Disney - Intro

I debated writing this post...most of you know me and my family by now but we have new friends joining us every day so I though why not! We need a place to start right?

What better place to start than with the cast of characters right? 

Well first up is ME...your resident Travel Expert! I'll be the one writing all the posts, posting the updates, organizing the trip...etc!  Everyone had input into the trip on what they wanted to do, what they didn't etc, but I helped bring it all together! 

Did I mention that my little family all has something to celebrate? What am I celebrating? Well that's a secret for now (and NO it's not a new brother or sister for the girls).

Next up is my  handsome husband.  It's been 2 years since he's been to Walt Disney World. He works incredibly hard...working with mentally challenged adults at night, and going to school and student teaching during the day. He's most looking for some family time as we don't see him much these days. What's he celebrating? The end of the semester!

Who's next? Our first born...sassy, smart and adorable Kennedy.  While she's already been to Disney 3 times, this is her first BIG girl trip (that's what she's celebrating). We talk about Disney daily, she watches all the TV specials and already has her wardrobe for the trip set (all Princess dresses of course).  I can't wait for everything that we have in store for her!

And last but certainly not least is our littlest, Finley. Finley is celebrating her very FIRST trip to Walt Disney World (outside Mom's belly of course). She'll be 7 months old and loves anything her big sister loves!

But we don't stop there!! Nana and Papa have decided to join our Holly Jolly Christmas vacation! We are excited to have them join us and so are the girls. Nana and Papa aren't celebrating anything...except maybe an amazing and well deserved vacation!

That about covers it! We are LONG overdue for a family vacation and we all LOVE Christmas!  Disney here we come!
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1 comment:

  1. I am a new friend and loved reading about your adorable family! Have a great trip!
