Kennedy Turns 5

On this past Friday my big girl turned 5. Every year I seem to say I can't believe how big she grown up. I know in the grand scheme of things, 5 years is no big deal. That when she turns 16, or 21 or gets married, those are when I'll say, "Remember when she was just 5" but life is flying by so fast and she changes every day.

Kennedy Turns 2
Kennedy Turns 3
Kennedy Turns 4
So to my big girl, on your 5th birthday, here's to you!  You've changed so much this past year and done so well with change. We uprooted your whole life and brought you to a new state, a new home and a new school. You've done some pretty brave things, which honestly doesn't surprise anyone. You've been brave since the moment you were born (and even before that a little).

June Calendar Shot

We've had a lot going on lately at Living With The Magic Vacations! Recently we held an event that surpassed even my expectations and reminded me of WHY I do what I do and more importantly, why I love it so much! 

Disney really and truly offers something for everyone..including a bunch of grown women who spent the weekend at the most magical place on Earth! Check out my Instagram to see photos from our 1st Annual Girls Getaway Weekend (and stay tuned for next year's April 27-May 1st)

A few faces are missing but I love this group!

Girls Getaway Weekend 2017

Our 2017 Girls Getaway Weekend dates have officially been announced!

Check out all the fun from Girls Getaway Weekend 2016!

Girls Getaway Weekend

Packing for Alaska

I've said it time and time again but Alaska was one of my favorite vacations...but it was also the hardest to pack for. I want to shed some light on what you can expect as far as weather and what types of clothing you should bring.

Alaskan cruises occur in the summer which means milder temperatures...but it's Alaska right? Always snowing and cold? Nope! In fact there were a few days it was warmer in Alaska than back home in New York!

#1- The cold stuff...or rather the warm stuff!
Be sure you are bringing things with you to keep you warm I opted for a combo lined jacket that was also a rain jacket from Northface. It kept me warm when I needed it and on the occasion it rained, I stayed dry! Also don't forget WARM socks, gloves, scarves and hats! For the most part I used these things during our trip up Tracy Arm as well as our Whale watching excursion.

Tracy Arm was COLD and rainy! Disney Cruise Line does offer hot chocolate and cookies to help :)

Finley Turns 2

I can't believe it's that time again...these birthdays seem to be coming so quickly! My dear sweet Fin how can you be 2 already? These last few years seem to have flown by. I feel like every year I say that I felt like I was pregnant with you just yesterday! Read her first birthday post HERE.
You are growing into quite the kid I have to say.  Never in my wildest dreams did I expect you to have such an exuberant personality. The first few weeks with you, you were so quiet and calm. I thought for certain you would be a laid back, quiet child.  That couldn't be further from the truth.
You are outspoken, silly, determined, stubborn and just a ball of energy. You love to talk and matter where we go. You hate to ride in the stroller and are happiest when you are running around like a mad woman. You love your sister fiercely...and she drives you just as crazy. You try and do everything she does (much to her dismay sometimes).

You love to read although you hate to sit still so I very rarely can read TO you.  Your favorite toy is your baby are so nurturing and motherly. You also love to do hair and wear are far more girly then I imagined you'd be.
Most of love to cuddle. You are very much a momma's girl and love to sit as close to me as possible...on more than one occasion you have slept on my face. You are teaching me a great deal of patience and it has been a wild ride.  
You LOVE to aren't terribly picky (yet) but donuts are your favorite.
I worried in the beginning how I would love two children equally but it's proven to be far easier than I are sweet and loving and embody your nickname Fin Monster. 
You have certainly given me a run for my money and made my heart stop on more than one occasion. The term spirited child is used around here often but I know that these amazing qualities you possess will take you very far in life.  I can't wait to see what the next year holds for you!

Be Our Guest? No thank you!

My favorite meal of the day is hands down dessert...ooops I mean breakfast...breakfast is my favorite meal of the day! I love everything about it...juice? YES! Coffee? Double Yes? Eggs, toast, bacon, sausage, pancakes...I could go on and on!! So when it was announced that one of my FAVORITE restaurant was going to start serving breakfast, I knew I had to try it!

Never too much of a good thing!

Just a few weeks ago my family stayed at the same resort for the 4th time in a row...the 4th time in just over a year.  If it ain't broken...don't fix it right?  The thing is...WHY? Why do we keep staying at the same resort?  Let's talk about my top 5 reasons for our continue stays at Port Orleans French Quarter!

Free dining is back!!

Free Dining is back!! 

This offer is LIMITED so contact Living With The Magic Vacations today! We are busy updating our current clients reservations and then will take new requests! 
Book Through July 8, 2016
  • August 23 through October 1, 2016
  • November 15 through November 21, 2016
  • November 26 through November 28, 2016
  • December 10 through December 21, 2016

Offer excludes the following room types: 3-bedroom villas, campsites, Disney’s Art of Animation Resort – Little Mermaid Standard Rooms and Bungalows at Disney’s Polynesian Villas & Bungalows.

True Life Adventure

It's easy to say, that out of Disney;s four parks, Magic Kingdoms is hands down the most popular and everyone's favorite. I think it goes without saying that holds true for me too. There is something about the magic and for me, the connection with Walt that is undeniable. Plus it was the first place I worked for the Walt Disney Company.
I wanted to share my favorite park outside of Magic Kingdom. Ever since I was a child I was in love with animals. If you asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have told you a zoologist. I read books by Jack Hannah and his experiences with animals. I would watch any special I could on television. It wasn't until I was older and realized anatomy would be a required class that I changed my career path.

The Magic of Disney

Welcome back to the Great Big Beautiful Blog! Are you new here? Be sure to check out more about the  idea behind the blog HERE!

It's been a while since I blogged so I thought I'd kind of start fresh...tell you a little about me, what I do and most importantly...why!

So let's start with a little intro!  My name is Amanda and I'm the blogger here at Great Big Beautiful Blog...

But wait...there's more!

I'm a wife...
Eric and I at Animal Kingdom in 2015

I'm a mom...

Kennedy and Finley are the light of my life!

I'm a Disney FANATIC...but it's more than that.  I didn't grow up like many people going to Walt Disney World. We had some pretty amazing vacations but they were most spent going to the mountains, or on day trips.  I did spend a good portion of my childhood reading everything I could about Walt Disney and the amazing company he started.  I knew as soon as I got the opportunity, it was a company I wanted to work for!  I spent my college years working at Walt Disney World and as a manager at the Disney Store...I soaked up everything I could!

Eventually it was time to figure out what I wanted to do when I grew up...and all I knew is it had to have something to do with Disney! I started out working at AAA as a travel guessed it, planning Disney vacations! I did everything I could to stay as close to the magic as I could.  Over the next 10 years I spent time in various jobs..and never LOVED any of them.  I took a long hard look at what would make me happy..and all signs pointed back to Disney!

I'm Owner of Living With The Magic Vacations
It's been a long road but I eventually found IT...that thing (professionally) that makes me happy. I get to spend my days creating  memories for my clients. I get to talk about what I love most (besides my family) all day, every day.  I get to share the ideas and dreams of a man who dreamed of a place where his imagination came to life and where he could spend quality time with his family. It's simple, and perfect and I feel lucky to be able to share his visions every day!

Now I'm lucky enough to have an amazing team that joined me, and that share my love of EVERYTHING  Disney!

Megan, Miranda, Amy and Susy

They each have their own reasons for joining Living With The Magic Vacations ...but we all come together for the love of Disney!

Next up...head to Susy's own EarVenture Geeks Blog to find out why she loves the Magic!

Journey into her Imagination

We just got back from an amazing trip to Walt Disney World! For this particular trip we opted to just take our oldest (which I'll talk about in another blog post).   Kennedy is almost 5 years old and has an incredible imagination...combined with a lot of energy and a spunky personality,  I hear about other families who travel to Disney and once is enough...I was thinking about why some kids love Disney, while others can take it or leave it. I believe, like with a lot of kids, Kennedy loves Disney so  much because she is literally living out her imagination and dreams!
She can be a race car driver...

A Mermaid...

Mommy and Me Trip Recap (Part 3)

When we left off we were all water logged and the kids were exhausted. I was determined to make our 2nd day a great, and more relaxing day! I surprised the girls with a dress up day for our time at Magic Kingdom.
Read Part 1 HERE
Read Part 2 HERE