Day 2- Magic Kingdom

Good Morning!! Now that the nasty stomach bug seems to have cleared our house, let's get back on track!  Our first full day was planned to be at Magic Kingdom. We were going to be there bright and early for park open but  the Christmas party went a bit later than expected. I told everyone they could sleep in a bit before we headed over to the park (very uncharacteristic of us!).

We finally got out of the hotel room and it was a gorgeous day!

We arrived and parked in the Alladin section. On a side note, I'm not sure how thrilled I am with the changes to the Magic Kingdom Parking lot. I think for guests that don't travel to Disney very often it could get confusing. There is now a division between the lots, Heroes and Villians.  I just didn't think it was a great idea.

We decided to take the Ferry over so my dad could get some photos and we could put some sunscreen on the baby.  I forgot our sunscreen at the hotel room...we had to buy some and it was $14!!!

 We arrived and I could already tell that the park was going to be busier than normal.  I normally don't schedule the Magic Kingdom on a Monday and I don't know what I was thinking!!

Our mission was to grab breakfast at the Main St. Bakery.  

We were lucky enough to snag a table right outside which was perfect timing because the Move It, Shake It, Celebrate It Parade was coming through. I knew the baby loved last nights parade and she apparently felt the same about this one!

After breakfast we headed to Fantasyland to see Mickey's Philharmagic.

I was shocked when we got to Fantasyland and saw how much further along the renovations had come since February!

We snagged some fastpasses for Winnie the Pooh before heading to Mickey's Philharmagic. The park was getting busier and busier! We actually WAITED 20 minutes in line for It's A Small World.

After riding Winnie the Pooh we realized the lines were getting a bit crazy but my WDW Lines App said that Splash Mountain didn't have a long wait. We headed toward Frontierland. On the way my dad happened to catch this little guy in the Rivers of America.

Once we got to Frontierland we realized the lines were just too long everywhere! We fed the baby and opted to grab some Dole Whip and leave the park.  

I have to share a funny story with you.  While my Mom, the baby and I took a seat in Adventureland, my Dad and hubby went on Swiss Family Robinson.  They were close to the top when they overheard this conversation.  A man and his daughter were discussing the Swiss Family Robinson. He explained to her that the family was on a Cruise Ship when it sunk. He asked her if he knew what happened next? Her response? THEY DIED.   It continued to be an ongoing joke through our trip...The Swiss Family Robinson were on a Cruise Ship and they all died!

I'm sorry I don't have any pics but we enjoyed a bit of Dole Whip (float for my Dad, vanilla for my Mom, Root Beer Float for Hubby and just pineapple for me!) At this point a storm was rolling through and we decided if we wanted to stay dry we had to leave NOW!  We went back to the room for some downtime before dinner (coming up tomorrow!).
After we got back to the resort, my Dad and I took a walk around the resort and down to the lobby.

Coming up tomorrow...our review of Grand Floridian Cafe!


  1. Why was that the last time you saw the Garland? Did they remove it??

  2. They took them all down so they could tape the Christmas parade :(

  3. Wow...the Swiss Family thing...hilarious! People are not bright.
