Hello and Good Morning!!  Sorry the days just seem to be getting away from me! I guess with Christmas coming up time is just flying!

When we left off, our vacation was HALF over! Can you believe it? I can't believe we are already home!  Thursday of our trip was dedicated to visiting EPCOT. We were so excited to get my Dad on Soarin' and we had a very yummy meal planned.

We got to the turnstiles fairly early and things were kind of nutty! There was a large tour group in front of us and no one could figure out if they were in line or not so people were kind of everyone. Official park opened happened and my Dad was sure to share his opinion with the Cast Members that the music was too loud!! LOL!

We headed straight over to The Land for Soarin...amongst all the people running.  I don't get it? We all are going to get there, why run and push people down?  I'll recap our trip at the end, but one of my biggest pet peeves was lack of manners!

Stroller parking had been moved (not happy with a sleepy baby!) but we were one of the firsts!

My parents immediately got in line for Soarin while we let the baby sleep.  Once they got back we all got Fastpasses for later and headed over to Sunshine Seasons for breakfast. This is one of my favorite quick service locations! Most people are so busy getting on Soarin that it's pretty quiet and the food is yummy! We had a variety of foods for breakfast...eggs, bacon, sausage.  My mom enjoyed a new breakfast bread pudding they had that was pretty good!!

After breakfast we thought we'd check out Living with the Land, which I knew my dad would enjoy. Living with the Land used to be driven by cast members but was replaced a few years ago with automated voices. I definitely don't like it as much.

After Soarin we stopped in at the Art of Animation to get our yearly picture. We lucked out and our buddy Eddie was there and he remembered us this time.  He and Eric chatted for quite a while and caught up.  Eric and I picked our drawing out for Eddie to do and it was delivered later at our resort. I love it so much!

Next up was Test Track. My dad had decided rides weren't for him so him and my Mom watched the baby while we went. It was fantastic as usual...Kennedy kept busy while we were gone, lol.

At this point my parents decided they were going to head back to the hotel for some down time. My mom's feet were killing her and dinner wasn't until 7 p.m. So we said good bye to them and headed out to World Showcase.

I don't have a ton of pictures but we really had a great time. We started in Mexico and had some lunch...we devoured it pretty quickly. This really is one of our favorite restaurants all around...quick service, table service, you name it!  We split Tacos de Carne - smoked beef brisket tacos served on fresh handmade corn tortillas with Pico de Gallo, lime and corn tortilla chips.  It was delicious and even better...it came with a Churro for dessert!!

After that we continued our way around World Showcase. The baby was just enjoying people watching and we were taking our time, checking out all the Christmas decorations.  We decided to stop in Norway to try some of the world famous School Bread. Let me tell you...boy did this live up to the hype! OMG It was so good! There were a ton of tasty treats to try....the bakery is now on our list of things to try again!

We had several hours before dinner so we just took our time, shop and explored. We tried to get a picture  taken with Santa in the American Adventure but the line was just too long.  While we were there we did get to see the Spirit of America Fife and Drum Corps. While we were waiting a Photopass photographer stopped us for some pictures.

We eventually decided some hot coffee would be nice. We wandered back over to a coffee kiosk by Mexico (before you get to Mexico) and ordered 2 coffee's with Kahula and whipped cream...again, another thing to add to our list! YUM YUM YUM!!!!

It was just about time to meet up with my parents for dinner in Italy.  I'll do that in a separate post, but after dinner we did manage to get some pictures of Kennedy with Santa!!!

Next up....Restaurant Review Tutto Italia!

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