We are back!! Day 1 is up!

We are back!! What a fun and amazing week we had!!  We are tired and most of us are glad to be home (not me...I'm ready to go back lol!).  I'm going to be posting our report over the next several weeks. I'll also be splitting out restaurant reviews so they are easy to access later :)

Day 1 started pretty uneventful.  My hubby works nights so he arrived home around 8 a.m. and we had a bit of time before heading to my parents.  We were packed and ready to go!  Our flight was on time so we headed over to the airport around 11:30 a.m.  Getting through security was kind of a pain since I had to carry the baby, fold up the stroller and put the car seat on the conveyor belt.  We got through without any problems though!

The baby did AMAZING on our flight! I fed her a bottle on take off to help her ears. After that she played for a bit before napping. She slept through our landing!! Once we arrived in Orlando we took a quick potty break before heading to baggage claim. Our bags where some of the first off the plane and we were soon off to Alamo.  We joined Alamo insiders before leaving and got a great deal on 2 cars ($90 for a midsize and $100 for a full size).
We picked out our cars in the parking garage and were soon on our way to Disney!

After we unpacked a bit it was time to get read for the Christmas Party!  We got dressed in our Christmas attire and headed over to the Magic Kingdom.

Our first stop was Pecos Bill's for dinner (Review coming in another post).  After dinner it was just about time for the parade so we snagged a seat outside.  I hear so many horror stories from people about guests pushing their way to get seats and letting their kids crawl over people. I have to say that we had the opposite experience.  Even though Kennedy is only 5 months old, another guest made room so we could wheel her stroller right up to the front.

I love watching the parades from Frontierland. The crowds are almost non-existent and we didn't have to wait hours for a good spot!   Now I was prepared for our little girl to have a good time but I wasn't prepared for HOW much fun she was going to have! The parade started and she was in awe! After a few minutes she was smiling and laughing. We had so much fun watching her. That was hands down my husband and my favorite part of the trip!

By far our favorite was the Toy Soldiers! Here is the video:

After the parade we headed back to Main St. to watch the Holiday version of Wishes and the Magic, Memories and You Show!

During the fireworks, Kennedy fell fast asleep!

We really had a great time and I would highly recommend attending Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party! I would also recommend arriving as soon as you can (4 p.m. without regular park tickets).


  1. that brought tears to my eyes! It's so beautiful. I'm so happy K had such a good time at the parade

  2. How absolutely exciting. You are making me want to plan a trip after we get on our feet more AND buy a house. If that doesn't happen until the teenager is in College we'll bring her anyway along with the baby ;)

  3. What a fabulous start to your trip! The castle looks amazing, the parade looks so awesome, and just the way the park is decorated is so cool!

    BTW- when did your DH sleep after being up all night the night before?!

  4. Cindi he took a nap when we got home and tried taking little naps through the day but he was forcing him self to stay awake so he could adjust his schedule.

  5. Love your pictures! Kennedy is so cute watching the parade. I have not been to the Christmas Party for many years - I wish we could but then I wish I could be there for each event and season lol.
