Day 4- Part's time to cruise!!

It's finally time!! It's the time you've all been waiting for! Our trip to Walt Disney World was officially over and it was time to head off to Port Canaveral.  We were left with instructions the night before to leave our luggage in our room.  They were going to be serving Continental Breakfast in the courtyard of the Ranchos building and someone would stop by and get our luggage. The next time we'd see it was on the ship!

We were surprised to see how long the breakfast line was! It moved pretty quickly though.

Patrick sporting his official Disney Earmarked Conference Fantasy Inaugural Cruise credentials! Whew! That was a mouthful!

I wasn't an Adventurer's Club fan...I actually had never been (came close once) but we had a special guest for our time on land :)

There was a pretty good spread of food.  It was enough to fill our bellies until we got on the ship!

We were all designated a boarding time.   Once we were verified, our ID checked and wristbands given, we were allowed to board our motorcoach to the Port.

Goodbye Walt Disney World!!

The ride was pretty uneventful. I think they said it was going to take almost an hour and a half. I think we were just so excited that before we knew the bus driver announced that we'd soon be able to see the Fantasy on the horizon!

To say that the Fantasy is a big ship....that's an understatement. She was HUGE!!  We were completely in awe.  After we got off the bus we had to go through Security and then get on the tall escalator leading to the main portion of the building.

We got yelled at for taking these because we were technically still at Security.

It was time to check in. We had done online check-in but we still needed to fill out a form basically stating that none of us were sick.

We got in line to check in. You can see here there are two separate lines; one for first time guests and one for Castaway Club members.

Before we got in line we were given a Boarding Card.  We were there pretty early in the day and got number 4!

There wasn't much of a line and we were quickly ushered to the desk.

We provided our online check-in form as well as our ID.  We also hadn't previously filled out our airline check in paperwork as it wouldn't let me online.

I love how EVERYTHING was detailed with Fantasy Inaugural logos.

Soon we were checked in and given our keys!

I love the entrance to the Gangplank!

We were about to go find seats when who should show up...Captain Mickey!!

Later on Minnie came in to relieve Mickey...we didn't wait in line again though.

After taking a potty break and updating Facebook, they were soon calling boarding numbers. Before we knew it, Number 4 was announced and it was time to board the ship!

Before boarding they took your picture in front of this great backdrop...I'm still bummed we didn't buy it :(

 Up's time to explore!!  Come aboard the Disney Fantasy with us! Click  here to move on!


  1. I'm shocked you didn't buy that picture. Especially since it was dated. Although I know those can be really pricey. I'm enjoying your trip pictures!

  2. Unfortunately it wasn't intentional. We were even given a FREE photo from Shutters and we just ran out of time and forgot to go back :(

  3. Holy Cow! Huge is right!!! I think we may have to seriously look into going on a Disney Cruise!
