Day 6-Castaway Cay

Good Morning everyone! I hope that you all have better weather than I do right  now. It's a gloomy rainy day...a perfect day to talk about Castway Cay!!

This morning started with something I will honestly never forget. It was the last morning of the conference and we were scheduled to be in the theatre at 8 a.m.  I won't bore you with all the details but what I will share with you is an amazing bit of Disney Magic that was brought to the stage. I didn't have my camera with me but here is a few pictures I found online:

That's right!! CUBBY AND KAREN were brought out!  Pretty amazing huh? It was such a neat experience to listen to these two talk about the Mickey Mouse Club Days and Uncle Walt.  Even cooler was at the end of the conference Karen and Cubby joined our hosts and guest speakers along with the Cast Members that coordinated the whole conference...and we got to sing the Mickey Mouse Club theme song!! I will NEVER forget it!!

After we were dismissed I went back to the room to grab the gang and head off to Castaway Cay.  Before I get to that, while I was in the theatre a little birdie told me that there was a reason the Dream wasn't returning the Fantasy's horn the night before.  The Dream was actually going to show up at Castaway Cay!!!  I couldn't wait to get off the boat!!

We decided to walk but there is a shuttle to take you to the various beaches.  I'm so glad we did because this is when the two ships went back and forth in a horn battle! It was pretty amazing!

We plopped our stuff down and decided to explore the beach a bit.  

We then wandered up to grab some drinks...and ice cream...and lunch lol! I know these are Lauren's favorite set of pictures. While we waited in line, Goofy and Donald came out and started dancing with the kids. Again, a bonus to a Disney Cruise Line Vacation...the characters are everywhere and there are tons of these intimate moments!

After lunch we explored a bit more and Eric and I decided to brave Pelican Plunge!

We did it once...and that was enough.  We don't go to the Ocean....well ever, lol. The salt water was a bit much for us!

After a bit more exploring....we went back to the boat. I know what you are thinking....we were so excited to get on the Island and we were heading back already? I'll admit it...we aren't lay on the beach kind of people.  We had no desire to just lay in the sand.  We did however want to go play on the ship and ride the Aquaduck a few more times!!

Once back onboard we road the Aquaduck a few more times before grabbing some drinks and lounging the Quiet Cove pool! Here is where Patrick got a hold of the camera again...he calls this Gorilla's in the Mist...thanks Pat.

After some much needed relaxing it was time to get ready for dinner!! I can't believe it's almost over! Our last night, here.


  1. I'm not really a beach person either but Pelican Plunge looks like a BLAST! I think we'll have fun exploring CC, maybe do the bike rental? I know I want to go snorkeling too. Do you know if you can bring your own snorkeling gear or do you have to use Disney's stuff there at CC?

  2. You can bring your own! Absolutely :)

  3. Was the water cold at Castaway Cay? When we went last February, it was pretty chilly! We watched people go down the slides, but never felt warm enough to brave the cold water!
