Just the two of us

There are a lot of adjectives I can use to describe my daughter...easy wouldn't be one of them.

On the other hand, she does really well whenever we go out. She loves to go shopping and is always interested in what's going on around her. That's the major reason I'm not too worried about traveling with just her and I.

We learned a lot of things when we brought her to Disney the first time.

  • We didn't need half as much stuff as we thought
  • She napped pretty much every where and still slept most of the night
  • She LOVES parades
  • She'll sleep through fireworks
With that being said, I'm even more excited to take her this time. She's not walking yet so she'll still pretty much be bound to the stroller but she's so much more interactive then she was back in November. Some things I'm looking forward to doing with her.

  • Swimming in the pool. Bath time is one of her favorite things and she could splash in the water for hours!
  • A character meal (more on this later). She just loved Mickey, Minnie and Pooh back in November and she loved the Easter Bunny in April so I think this will be a big hit!
  • The music, lights, colors....she's so interested in the world around her and I think that everything is really going to keep her attention!!
There are some things I'm concerned about, mostly the airplane.  We spend a lot of time just the two of us but that involves hanging out at home with her bff Walter...

or going to Target, not flying 2 hours away. I have traveled alone a lot in my life, but this is an entirely new ball game! But no worries, we have a plan!!

I'm a self admitted over packer...I try not to but I'm always worried I'll forget something.  My husband says if I do, don't worry I can just buy it there...but this time we have no rental car so I can't just pick it up!  Since we are only at Disney for 3 nights I plan on bringing:

  • One medium size suitcase for both mine and Kennedy's things
  • One medium size carry on....this needs to serve as my purse and a diaper bag.
  • Stroller
It's going to be tough but I think I can do it!  Since I'm using Magical Express I just need to worry about my luggage from the car into the airport, then it's just me, the babe, the stroller and our carry-on.

Now one of the reasons I'm a bit worried about packing is, Kennedy still needs quite a few things that could easily warrant her own bag:
  • Diapers...I know it's only 3 nights but we get there fairly early on Tuesday so I need 4 days worth of diapers
  • Formula. She's still having bottles every 4 hours and due to some tummy problems, she's on super expensive hypo allergenic formula
  • Wipes..nuff said
  • Snacks. She doesn't eat baby food so mostly I'm not worried about meals. Disney has enough choices that she'll be fine, but I usually bring with us some veggie sticks or Pirate Booty to keep her happy . I want to try to squeeze a bag in.
I'm debating over using Garden Grocer for these items. A few problems, first they don't have my formula. I have an email in to them asking. Second is, it would obviously be more expensive then just bringing the stuff with me but diapers, wipes and formula can take up a lot of room, even for just 3 days!  I've begun researching a few companies that specialize in delivering products for children and babies, as well as using Amazon.com Stay posted!

I'm excited for my baby girl and I to hit the road on our own (so to speak)!  I think this trip is going to be a lot of fun and she is really going to enjoy herself. Stay tuned for more tips and hints about traveling with a little one when we return!


  1. when we go in sept my youngest will still need pullups for bedtime and just in case but i also need some other stuff i dont eanna pack in the suitcase. too many toiletries for four people and i dont wanna deal with tsa so i plan to mail a box. look at the priorty mail boxes. one flat rate as long as it fits. pack a few of the things needed in ur carryon (when my oldest used formula i had one of those divider jars for a days worth) and diapers and wipes. i learned u can ship for it to arrive up to 5days before u do so u can call the day before to make sure they have it. i would think if they lise it after that they would get all the stuff back for u. lol. good luck. im keeping posted since ill be travelling with a 4 3/4yr old and a 23 1/2 mo.

  2. I have a suggestion that you may want to use. My niece is a coordinator at Port Orleans. Lives down there, and is capable of shopping. If you and I give her enough time, I am sure she will get your supplies and have them at the resort you need when you need them. This gives us a chance to even get some coupons together to lower the price. If your interested, let me know. We would love to help.

  3. You'll be okay, I've traveled with 2 alone (we had to go down a day before my husband to get free dining) and it went fine. They were 3 and 1 at the time. They're not "easy" kids by a long shot, but we managed!
    We were using cloth diapers, and that took up SO much packing room! The kids definitely take up more packing room than I do! However, I always packed a little of everyone's stuff in each bag, just in case one of the bags got lost.
    Also, I have this theory about going places...my kids have an attention span of about 2 minutes. If I was going to bring enough stuff for the 5/6 hours we were going to be at the airport or on the plane, it would be a nightmare. So, I bring food, one or two things, and figure the rest out as we go. They always liked ripping up those in flight magazines (make sure it's the ones that they say you can bring home!) or playing with a water bottle or cup...you really just have to wing it. There is NO way you can actually bring enough stuff with you to entertain them the whole time.
    You will survive, we've taken seven round-trip airplane flights with our little ones (now 5 and just turned 3) and two of those were 9-10 hour flights to California when our first was 11 months and 18 months! I think it's much scarier than it actually is doing it, if that makes any sense!
    Oh, I almost forgot--we have shipped things down almost every trip. You can even just pack up your diapers and formula and whatever and ship it down to yourself. It's always gone very smoothly.
    You're going to have a lot of fun, I can't wait to hear about your trip!

  4. I can't wait to hear how much she enjoys this trip!
