Traveling in Style

Good Morning! I wanted to say thank you to everyone who left comments, emailed me or left comments on Facebook regarding my stroller purchase. I didn't think we'd be ready so soon for a new stroller and was overwhelmed by all the choices!

Let's review my list of wants in a new stroller:
-Easy to fold by myself
-Reclines for her to nap
-Not going to break the bank

I thought that I was going to find 3 of the 4 items after doing some research. Everything that fit the first three categories was way above my price limit. We already have one stroller and someday....far down the road, we are more than likely going to have to purchase a double stroller.  After looking through everyone's recommendations and SCOURING the web, I decided to purchase....

The City Mini!!

I was so excited to find a used one on Cragislist for only about $125 but that fell through pretty quickly.  I kept searching and finally my hard work paid off.   I ended up purchasing a brand new, black and pink City Mini on for only $149 plus shipping!!  I was hesitant about shipping and didn't know if it would make it in time for our trip. I purchased the stroller on May 4th and yesterday, in the smallest box ever, my stroller arrived!!

I obviously haven't used it yet...but nonetheless I'm LOVING it! I wanted to give everyone a quick overview of the features and when I get back I'll give it a full review.

I'm probably starting backwards here but this is the stroller put together. I literally unfolded it out of the box and popped the wheels on. Easy assembly!

I love how upright the seat is. We are so used to the travel system that doesn't sit up all the way.

I didn't mention this above, but an extra large shade was also on my wish list for naptime. This one is HUGE!

Plus it has TWO viewing windows on the top that have covers.

There are actually two pockets here but I couldn't get a picture of the first that's actually on the inside just above her head. It will be a perfect spot for my phone and keys.  I also love this pocket and all the storage space underneath.

This is the stroller full reclined. I love that it goes all the way down. Many of the lightweight or Umbrella strollers didn't.

And even better?  Shade protection!! You can also see in this picture I had some helpers coming to join me.

Shade closed and full reclined...ready for nap mode!

Apparently it's also a great place to play hide and seek!

My favorite part? Folding it!  There is one handle on  the seat, right underneath where her little bum goes. You pull up and voila! Folded stroller! Look how compact!

I can NOT wait to use it! I hope it's as great as all the reviews. So far so good!!

As far as luggage, I wanted to minimize what I bring. My plan is one medium size suitcase plus a carry on.  Her diaper bag is great, but it just fits her stuff...I need a little room too!  We stopped at the mall the other day to check out some new Vera Bradley bags and I ended up getting this one:

This is the Vera Bradley Weekender. It's a tad bigger than my diaper bag but still has lots of pockets and a great strap! Hopefully it will arrive in time...I'll take some actual pictures once it arrives!

I hope you enjoyed my review of the City Mini! Coming up next...a special post for the ladies!


  1. Oh, I forgot to tell you..IF it rains, put a poncho on and drape the front of it over the stroller then put a second over the front..does that make sense? It keeps your hands and stroller (and baby) dry during those fast passing Florida showers..the small stroller is great for this trick. I wish I had a picture but Kate would say she was in her "tent"

  2. Oh yay, I'm glad you got this one! Isn't it fantastic??? :) Glad it got there on time!

  3. thanks for the awesome review. This is the same stroller used by Baby Wheels rental in Orlando, and we have one reserved for September. My mind is at ease now, knowing it is perfect.

  4. @Betsy thanks for the tip!

    @Christa...I do love it! So much more than my travel system

    @CSparky61 You are going to LOVE it! I'll do another review when I get back and let you know how it works out!

  5. I live in Orlando and have that exact same stroller in the blue and take it to the parks by myself all the time. Love, love, love it! The only thing I will caution you about is the basket. It's a pain in the neck to reach! Full size diaper bag fits but what a pain to get in and out. :( My daughter is a year now and I've downsized to a Vera Bradley backpack & even that is hard to get in & out. What I've learned is it's best to use two small bags for the parks. One with diapers, wipes, etc that can stay in the stroller all the time & then another with the more important/valuable stuff you always take with you. (I highly suggest a small backpack for traveling alone). It makes it so much easier to get stuff in & out of the basket when you don't have 1 overstuffed bag to deal with & you don't have to lug as much around!

  6. Although I have no more need for a stroller :-( I enjoyed checking this one out. It looks so cute!! You will have a great time tooting around in it I'm sure!! Love the bag to :-) I am all about the bag.. Have a wonderful time on your trip!


  7. Thanks for the tips Theme Park Momma! That bag is just for traveling through the airport and is big enough for all her daily stuff plus a few changes of clothes for us (because you never know!) I'll pack something a bit smaller for the parks. Great tips!

    Thanks Suz!

  8. Another tip-the sunshine kids buggy buddy fits perfectly on the top for use as a parent console. No need for the expensive baby jogger one & it is great for holding water bottles, park maps, etc. It can usually be found for $9.99 on amazon.
